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FD30: Command list: Guard the hook at no. 74
Used by Al at no. 74 (see FF62).
FD30 DEFW $F600 Go to...
FD32 DEFB $34,$19 ...the right-hand side of the second floor of no. 74
FD34 DEFW $F600 Go to...
FD36 DEFB $2D,$19 ...the centre of the second floor of no. 74
FD38 DEFW $7A6A Walk up and down until Sam arrives
FD3A DEFB $A8,$00
FD3C DEFW $6329 Chase and pick up Sam
FD3E DEFW $F605 Carry Sam to...
FD40 DEFB $10,$07 ...the drop-off point on the roof of the apartment building next to no. 74
FD42 DEFW $F731 Drop Sam and restart the command list
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