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31338: Make a gangster walk up and down while watching for Sam
Used by the command lists at 64790, 64816, 64846 and 64902.
H Gangster's character number (215-224)
31338 LD L,11 Copy the door identifier (168 or 175) and walkabout duration indicator (always 0) from the command list into bytes 11 and 12 of the gangster's buffer
31340 CALL 61809
31343 LD L,13 Set byte 13 of the gangster's buffer to a non-zero value to ensure that he walks up and down indefinitely
31345 LD (HL),63
31347 LD L,1 A=gangster's x-coordinate
31349 LD A,(HL)
31350 LD L,10 Copy this to byte 10 of the gangster's buffer, thus making it his walkabout origin x-coordinate
31352 LD (HL),A
31353 CALL 63409 Change the gangster's primary command routine address to 31356 (below)
31356 LD BC,31319 The routine at 31319 makes the gangster walk up or down until Sam arrives
31359 JP 63331
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