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62976: Make a character go to a location
Used by many command lists to make a character go to a specified place.
H Character number (215-229)
62976 CALL 31944 Collect the destination coordinates from the command list
62979 JR 62998
This entry point is used by the command lists at 25066, 64756, 64790, 64816, 64846, 64878 and 64902 to make a character carry Sam to a location.
62981 CALL 31944 Collect the destination coordinates from the command list
62984 LD (HL),10 Change the address of the primary command routine in bytes 8 and 9 of the character's buffer to 62986 (below)
62986 CALL 63128 Exit now if the character is midstride
62989 CALL 60812 Determine the next move the character should make to reach his destination
62992 AND A Has the character reached his destination?
62993 JR Z,63007 Move to the next command in the command list if so
62995 JP 29479 Move the character one step towards his destination
The character is not carrying Sam.
62998 LD (HL),24 Change the address of the primary command routine in bytes 8 and 9 of the character's buffer to 63000 (below)
63000 CALL 63128 Exit now if the character is midstride
63003 CALL 60812 Determine the next move the character should make to reach his destination
63006 AND A Has the character reached his destination?
63007 JP Z,62080 Move to the next command in the command list if so
63010 CP 5 Is the character standing next to a closed door?
63012 JR NC,63100 Jump if so
63014 PUSH AF Save the direction indicator
63015 LD BC,62926 Point BC at the interruptible subcommand routine at 62926
63018 LD L,13 Pick up the location/destination indicator from byte 13 of the character's buffer
63020 LD A,(HL)
63021 AND A Is the character on the sidewalk or the road (or on the front steps of the hotel but heading somewhere other than the hotel)?
63022 JR NZ,63051 Jump if not
63024 LD BC,62971 Point BC at the interruptible subcommand routine at 62971
63027 LD L,16 Place the x- or y-coordinate of the character's intermediate destination into byte 16 of his buffer
63029 LD (HL),E
63030 LD L,15 Copy the interruptible subcommand routine address in BC (62892, 62926 or 62971) into bytes 14 and 15 of the character's buffer
63032 LD (HL),B
63033 DEC L
63034 LD (HL),C
63035 POP AF Restore the direction indicator (1-4) to A
This entry point is used by the routines at 29361 and 31362.
63036 DEC A Does the character need to move right next to reach his destination?
63037 JP Z,60334 Jump if so
63040 DEC A Does the character need to move left?
63041 JP Z,60347 Jump if so
63044 DEC A Does the character need to move up?
63045 JP Z,60315 Jump if so
63048 JP 60320 Make the character move down
The character is not on the sidewalk or road.
63051 DEC A Is the character's destination in a region other than the one he's in at the moment?
63052 JR NZ,63083 Jump if so
63054 LD L,2 Collect the character's y-coordinate from byte 2 of his buffer
63056 LD A,(HL)
63057 CP 31 Is the character on or below the level of the first floor?
63059 JR NC,63074 Jump if so
63061 LD L,10 Point HL at byte 10 of the character's buffer
63063 LD E,(HL) E=character's destination x-coordinate
63064 INC L L=11
63065 CP (HL) Is the character's y-coordinate the same as that of his destination?
63066 JR Z,63027 If so, send the character to his destination x-coordinate (on the same floor)
63068 LD E,(HL) E=character's destination y-coordinate
63069 LD BC,62892 Point BC at the interruptible subcommand routine at 62892
63072 JR 63027 Send the character up or down the stairs towards his destination
The character is in the same region as his destination, and on or below the level of the first floor.
63074 LD L,4 Byte 4 of the character's buffer holds his z-coordinate
63076 BIT 0,(HL) Is the character indoors (z=1)?
63078 CALL NZ,62597 If so, make him consider flipping a light switch
63081 JR 63035 Move the character one step closer to his destination
The character's destination is in a region other than the one he's in at the moment.
63083 LD L,2 Collect the character's y-coordinate from byte 2 of his buffer
63085 LD A,(HL)
63086 LD E,31 This is the y-coordinate of the first floor
63088 CP E Is the character above the first floor?
63089 JR C,63069 Jump if so to send him down to the first floor
63091 LD L,4 Byte 4 of the character's buffer holds his z-coordinate
63093 BIT 0,(HL) Is the character indoors (z=1)?
63095 CALL NZ,62880 If so, make him consider flipping a light switch off before leaving
63098 JR 63035 Move the character one step closer to his destination
The character is standing next to a closed door. This entry point is used by the routines at 29361 and 31362.
63100 JP Z,62252 Jump if the character is standing behind a closed door
63103 LD L,15 Prepare the MSB of the address of the interruptible subcommand routine at 62278 in byte 15 of the character's buffer
63105 LD (HL),243
63107 JP 62264 Prepare the LSB and raise the character's arm
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