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686A: Draw the bell and check whether Horace has sounded the alarm
Called from the main loop at 6229.
686A LD HL,($7C6B) Pick up Horace's current location.
686D LD BC,($7CC4) Pick up the location of the bell in the current maze.
6871 LD A,B Has Horace already sounded the alarm?
6872 OR C
6873 RET Z Return if so.
6874 AND A Clear the carry flag. (This instruction is redundant.)
6875 SBC HL,BC Subtract the bell's location from Horace's.
6877 LD A,H Is Horace in exactly the same location as the bell?
6878 OR L
6879 JR Z,$68BE Jump if so.
687B INC HL Is Horace one space to the left of the bell?
687C LD A,H
687D OR L
687E JR Z,$68BE Jump if so.
6880 DEC HL Is Horace one space to the right of the bell?
6881 DEC HL
6882 LD A,H
6883 OR L
6884 JR Z,$68BE Jump if so.
6886 LD BC,$0021 Is Horace one space above the bell?
6889 ADD HL,BC
688A LD A,H
688B OR L
688C JR Z,$68BE Jump if so.
688E XOR A Clear the carry flag. (This instruction is redundant.)
688F LD BC,$0041 Is Horace one space below the bell?
6892 SBC HL,BC
6894 LD A,H
6895 OR L
6896 JR Z,$68BE Jump if so.
Horace has not sounded the alarm.
6898 LD HL,($7CC4) Pick up the location of the bell in the current maze.
689B LD A,($7CC6) Increment the bell's animation frame counter.
689E INC A
689F LD ($7CC6),A
68A2 AND $38 Keep only bits 3, 4 and 5.
68A4 CP $1F Is the result 30 or less (i.e. bit 5 reset)?
68A6 JR C,$68AA Jump if so.
68A8 XOR $38 Flip bits 3 and 4, and reset bit 5.
68AD LD B,$00
68AF LD DE,$7F07 This is the base address of the graphic data for the bell.
68B2 EX DE,HL Point DE at the graphic data for the appropriate bell sprite.
68B5 CALL $6C0F Set HL' to the attribute file address of the bell's location.
68B8 LD C,$3A This is the attribute byte (INK 2: PAPER 7).
68BA CALL $6BD6 Draw the bell.
Horace has sounded the alarm.
68BE LD HL,$0000 Clear the bell location to indicate that Horace has sounded the alarm.
68C1 LD ($7CC4),HL
68C4 LD DE,$7F87 Point DE at the graphic data for the blank sprite.
68C7 LD HL,($6FD1) Pick up the bell location for the current maze.
68CA CALL $6C0F Set HL' to the corresponding attribute file address.
68CD LD C,$3E This is the attribute byte (INK 6: PAPER 7).
68CF CALL $6BD6 Draw the blank sprite where the bell was.
68D2 CALL $6821 Draw Horace.
68D5 LD HL,($7C73) Add 60 to the score.
68D8 LD BC,$003C
68DC LD ($7C73),HL
68DF CALL $65C7 Print the new score and make a sound effect.
68E2 LD A,($7C62) Pick up the game speed parameter in A.
68E5 LD L,$00 HL=128*A.
68E7 LD H,A
68E8 SRA H
68EC LD ($6DAE),HL Initialise the guard panic timer to this value.
68EF LD A,($6DBA) Update the animation frame in the temporary guard buffer; these instructions are redundant and have no effect on any of the guards.
68F2 ADD A,$02
68F4 AND $03
68F6 LD ($6DBA),A
68F9 LD HL,($7C73) Add 150 to the score.
68FC LD BC,$0096
6900 LD ($7C73),HL
6903 CALL $65C7 Print the new score and make a sound effect.
6906 RET
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