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873C: Read the keyboard during code entry
Used by the routine at 86C3. Waits for '1', '2', '3', '4' or ENTER to be pressed and either prints a coloured block or validates the entered code. Returns to the routine at 869F if ENTER is being pressed, with the zero flag reset if the entered code is correct.
IX Attribute file address of the flashing 2x2 block
873C LD BC,$F7FE Read keys 1-2-3-4-5
873F IN A,(C)
8741 AND $0F Is '1', '2', '3' or '4' (still) being pressed?
8743 CP $0F
8745 JR NZ,$873C Jump back if so
8747 LD B,$BF Read keys H-J-K-L-ENTER
8749 IN A,(C)
874B BIT 0,A Is ENTER being pressed?
874D JR NZ,$8785 Jump if not
874F LD A,($5959) Pick up the attribute byte of the fourth 2x2 block at (10,25)
8752 AND $7F Has the fourth digit been entered yet?
8754 CP $07
8756 JR Z,$8785 Jump if not
We have four coloured blocks, and ENTER is being pressed. Time to validate the entered code.
8758 SUB $08 Compute bits 0 and 1 of the entered code from the attribute byte of the fourth coloured block at (10,25) and store them in C
875A AND $18
875F LD C,A
8760 LD A,($5953) Compute bits 4 and 5 of the entered code from the attribute byte of the second coloured block at (10,19) and store them in C (alongside bits 0 and 1)
8763 SUB $08
8765 AND $18
8767 RLCA
8768 OR C
8769 LD C,A
876A LD A,($5956) Compute bits 2 and 3 of the entered code from the attribute byte of the third coloured block at (10,22) and store them in C (alongside bits 0, 1, 4 and 5)
876D SUB $08
876F AND $18
8771 RRCA
8772 OR C
8773 LD C,A
8774 LD A,($5950) Compute bits 6 and 7 of the entered code from the attribute byte of the first coloured block at (10,16) in A
8777 SUB $08
8779 AND $18
877E POP HL Drop the return address from the stack
877F OR C Merge bits 0-5 of the entered code into A; now A holds all 8 bits of the entered code
8780 LD HL,$85E4 Point HL at 85E4 (where the correct entry code is stored)
8783 CP (HL) Set the zero flag if the entered code matches
8784 RET Return to the routine at 869F
Here we check whether '1', '2', '3' or '4' is being pressed.
8785 SET 7,(IX+$00) Make sure the current 2x2 block is flashing
8789 SET 7,(IX+$01)
878D SET 7,(IX+$20)
8791 SET 7,(IX+$21)
8795 LD BC,$F7FE Read keys 1-2-3-4-5
8798 IN A,(C)
879A AND $0F Keep only bits 0-3 (keys 1-2-3-4)
879C LD E,$08 E=0x08 (INK 0: PAPER 1)
879E CP $0E Is '1' alone being pressed?
87A0 JR Z,$87B5 Jump if so
87A2 LD E,$10 E=0x10 (INK 0: PAPER 2)
87A4 CP $0D Is '2' alone being pressed?
87A6 JR Z,$87B5 Jump if so
87A8 LD E,$18 E=0x18 (INK 0: PAPER 3)
87AA CP $0B Is '3' alone being pressed?
87AC JR Z,$87B5 Jump if so
87AE LD E,$20 E=0x20 (INK 0: PAPER 4)
87B0 CP $07 Is '4' alone being pressed?
87B2 JP NZ,$8747 If not, jump back to check the ENTER key
Exactly one of the number keys '1', '2', '3' or '4' is being pressed. E holds the corresponding attribute byte to use for the coloured block.
87B5 LD (IX+$00),E Set the colour of the 2x2 block (no longer flashing)
87B8 LD (IX+$01),E
87BB LD (IX+$20),E
87BE LD (IX+$21),E
87C1 LD BC,$0018 Pause for about 0.02s
87C4 DJNZ $87C4
87C6 DEC C
87C7 JR NZ,$87C4
87C9 RET
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