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8DAA: Draw the horizontal guardians in the current cavern
Used by the routine at 870E.
8DAA LD IY,$80BE Point IY at the first byte of the first horizontal guardian definition at 80BE
The guardian-drawing loop begins here.
8DAE LD A,(IY+$00) Pick up the first byte of the guardian definition
8DB1 CP $FF Have we dealt with all the guardians yet?
8DB3 RET Z Return if so
8DB4 OR A Is this guardian definition blank?
8DB5 JR Z,$8DF1 If so, skip it and consider the next one
8DB7 LD DE,$001F Prepare DE for addition
8DBA LD L,(IY+$01) Point HL at the address of the guardian's location in the attribute buffer at 5C00
8DBD LD H,(IY+$02)
8DC0 AND $7F Reset bit 7 (which specifies the animation speed) of the attribute byte, ensuring no FLASH
8DC2 LD (HL),A Set the attribute bytes for the guardian in the buffer at 5C00
8DC4 LD (HL),A
8DC6 LD (HL),A
8DC8 LD (HL),A
8DC9 LD C,$01 Prepare C for the call to the drawing routine at 8FF4 later on
8DCB LD A,(IY+$04) Pick up the animation frame (0-7)
8DCE RRCA Multiply it by 32
8DD1 LD E,A Copy the result to E
8DD2 LD A,($8407) Pick up the number of the current cavern from 8407
8DD5 CP $07 Are we in one of the first seven caverns?
8DD7 JR C,$8DE3 Jump if so
8DD9 CP $09 Are we in The Endorian Forest?
8DDB JR Z,$8DE3 Jump if so
8DDD CP $0F Are we in The Sixteenth Cavern?
8DDF JR Z,$8DE3 Jump if so
8DE1 SET 7,E Add 0x80 to E (the horizontal guardians in this cavern use frames 4-7 only)
8DE3 LD D,$81 Point DE at the graphic data for the appropriate guardian sprite (at 8100+E)
8DE5 LD L,(IY+$01) Point HL at the address of the guardian's location in the screen buffer at 6000
8DE8 LD H,(IY+$03)
8DEB CALL $8FF4 Draw the guardian to the screen buffer at 6000
8DEE JP NZ,$8D06 Kill Willy if the guardian collided with him
The current guardian definition has been dealt with. Time for the next one.
8DF1 LD DE,$0007 Point IY at the first byte of the next horizontal guardian definition
8DF6 JR $8DAE Jump back to deal with the next horizontal guardian
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