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90EA: Add to the score
The entry point to this routine is at 90FE.
90EA LD (HL),$30 Roll the digit over from '9' to '0'
90EC DEC HL Point HL at the next digit to the left
90ED LD A,L Is this the 10000s digit?
90EE CP $2A
90F0 JR NZ,$90FE Jump if not
Willy has scored another 10000 points. Give him an extra life.
90F2 LD A,$08 Set the screen flash counter at 8458 to 8
90F4 LD ($8458),A
90F7 LD A,($8457) Increment the number of lives remaining at 8457
90FB LD ($8457),A
The entry point to this routine is here and is used by the routines at 8F63, 9028 and 9135 with HL pointing at the digit of the score (see 8429) to be incremented.
90FE LD A,(HL) Pick up a digit of the score
90FF CP $39 Is it '9'?
9101 JR Z,$90EA Jump if so
9103 INC (HL) Increment the digit
9104 RET
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