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92DC: Play the theme tune (The Blue Danube)
Used by the routine at 85CC. Returns with the zero flag reset if ENTER or the fire button is pressed while the tune is being played.
IY 846E (tune data)
92DC LD A,(IY+$00) Pick up the next byte of tune data from the table at 846E
92DF CP $FF Has the tune finished?
92E1 RET Z Return (with the zero flag set) if so
92E2 LD C,A Copy the first byte of data for this note (which determines the duration) to C
92E3 LD B,$00 Initialise B, which will be used as a delay counter in the note-producing loop
92E5 XOR A Set A=0 (for no apparent reasaon)
92E6 LD D,(IY+$01) Pick up the second byte of data for this note
92E9 LD A,D Copy it to A
92EA CALL $932B Calculate the attribute file address for the corresponding piano key
92ED LD (HL),$50 Set the attribute byte for the piano key to 0x50 (INK 0: PAPER 2: BRIGHT 1)
92EF LD E,(IY+$02) Pick up the third byte of data for this note
92F2 LD A,E Copy it to A
92F3 CALL $932B Calculate the attribute file address for the corresponding piano key
92F6 LD (HL),$28 Set the attribute byte for the piano key to 0x28 (INK 0: PAPER 5: BRIGHT 0)
92F8 OUT ($FE),A Produce a sound based on the frequency parameters in the second and third bytes of data for this note (copied into D and E)
92FB JR NZ,$9302
92FD LD D,(IY+$01)
9300 XOR $18
9302 DEC E
9303 JR NZ,$930A
9305 LD E,(IY+$02)
9308 XOR $18
930A DJNZ $92F8
930C DEC C
930D JR NZ,$92F8
930F CALL $9337 Check whether ENTER or the fire button is being pressed
9312 RET NZ Return (with the zero flag reset) if it is
9313 LD A,(IY+$01) Pick up the second byte of data for this note
9316 CALL $932B Calculate the attribute file address for the corresponding piano key
9319 LD (HL),$38 Set the attribute byte for the piano key back to 0x38 (INK 0: PAPER 7: BRIGHT 0)
931B LD A,(IY+$02) Pick up the third byte of data for this note
931E CALL $932B Calculate the attribute file address for the corresponding piano key
9321 LD (HL),$38 Set the attribute byte for the piano key back to 0x38 (INK 0: PAPER 7: BRIGHT 0)
9323 INC IY Move IY along to the data for the next note in the tune
9325 INC IY
9327 INC IY
9329 JR $92DC Jump back to play the next note
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