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36344: Move and draw Eugene in Eugene's Lair
Used by the routine at 34574. First we move Eugene up or down, or change his direction.
36344 LD A,(32884) Pick up the attribute of the last item drawn from 32884
36347 OR A Have all the items been collected?
36348 JR Z,36367 Jump if so
36350 LD A,(32987) Pick up Eugene's direction from 32987
36353 OR A Is Eugene moving downwards?
36354 JR Z,36367 Jump if so
36356 LD A,(32988) Pick up Eugene's pixel y-coordinate from 32988
36359 DEC A Decrement it (moving Eugene up)
36360 JR Z,36380 Jump if Eugene has reached the top of the cavern
36362 LD (32988),A Update Eugene's pixel y-coordinate at 32988
36365 JR 36388
36367 LD A,(32988) Pick up Eugene's pixel y-coordinate from 32988
36370 INC A Increment it (moving Eugene down)
36371 CP 88 Has Eugene reached the portal yet?
36373 JR Z,36380 Jump if so
36375 LD (32988),A Update Eugene's pixel y-coordinate at 32988
36378 JR 36388
36380 LD A,(32987) Toggle Eugene's direction at 32987
36383 XOR 1
36385 LD (32987),A
Now that Eugene's movement has been dealt with, it's time to draw him.
36388 LD A,(32988) Pick up Eugene's pixel y-coordinate from 32988
36391 AND 127 Point DE at the entry in the screen buffer address lookup table at 33536 that corresponds to Eugene's y-coordinate
36393 RLCA
36394 LD E,A
36395 LD D,131
36397 LD A,(DE) Point HL at the address of Eugene's location in the screen buffer at 24576
36398 OR 15
36400 LD L,A
36401 INC DE
36402 LD A,(DE)
36403 LD H,A
36404 LD DE,32992 Draw Eugene to the screen buffer at 24576
36407 LD C,1
36409 CALL 36852
36412 JP NZ,36102 Kill Willy if Eugene collided with him
36415 LD A,(32988) Pick up Eugene's pixel y-coordinate from 32988
36418 AND 120 Point HL at the address of Eugene's location in the attribute buffer at 23552
36420 RLCA
36421 OR 7
36423 SCF
36424 RL A
36426 LD L,A
36427 LD A,0
36429 ADC A,92
36431 LD H,A
36432 LD A,(32884) Pick up the attribute of the last item drawn from 32884
36435 OR A Set the zero flag if all the items have been collected
36436 LD A,7 Assume we will draw Eugene with white INK
36438 JR NZ,36447 Jump if there are items remaining to be collected
36440 LD A,(32957) Pick up the value of the game clock at 32957
36443 RRCA Move bits 2-4 into bits 0-2 and clear the other bits; this value (which decreases by one on each pass through the main loop) will be Eugene's INK colour
36444 RRCA
36445 AND 7
This entry point is used by the routines at 36469 (to set the attributes for a Skylab), 36593 (to set the attributes for a vertical guardian) and 37173 (to set the attributes for the Kong Beast).
36447 LD (HL),A Save the INK colour in the attribute buffer temporarily
36448 LD A,(32800) Pick up the attribute byte of the background tile for the current cavern from 32800
36451 AND 248 Combine its PAPER colour with the chosen INK colour
36453 OR (HL)
36454 LD (HL),A Set the attribute byte for the top-left cell of the sprite in the attribute buffer at 23552
36455 LD DE,31 Prepare DE for addition
36458 INC HL Set the attribute byte for the top-right cell of the sprite in the attribute buffer at 23552
36459 LD (HL),A
36460 ADD HL,DE Set the attribute byte for the middle-left cell of the sprite in the attribute buffer at 23552
36461 LD (HL),A
36462 INC HL Set the attribute byte for the middle-right cell of the sprite in the attribute buffer at 23552
36463 LD (HL),A
36464 ADD HL,DE Set the attribute byte for the bottom-left cell of the sprite in the attribute buffer at 23552
36465 LD (HL),A
36466 INC HL Set the attribute byte for the bottom-right cell of the sprite in the attribute buffer at 23552
36467 LD (HL),A
36468 RET
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