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6B21: Print the score or high score
Used by the routines at 6000 and 65A1.
DE Display file address
HL Score or high score
6B21 EX DE,HL Switch the display file address to HL.
6B22 CALL $6C0F Set HL' to the corresponding attribute file address (unnecessarily).
6B25 EX DE,HL Switch the display file address back to DE, and the score or high score to HL.
6B26 LD A,"0" Initialise A.
6B28 AND A Clear the carry flag, ready for trial subtraction.
6B29 LD BC,$2710 Compute and print the 10,000s digit.
6B2C CALL $6B48
6B2F LD BC,$03E8 Compute and print the 1,000s digit.
6B32 CALL $6B48
6B35 LD BC,$0064 Compute and print the 100s digit.
6B38 CALL $6B48
6B3B LD BC,$000A Compute and print the 10s digit.
6B3E CALL $6B48
6B41 LD A,L Compute the ASCII code for the 1s digit.
6B42 ADD A,"0"
6B44 CALL $6B4F Print it.
6B47 RET
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