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27255: Make the title screen or game over sound effect
Used by the routines at 24576 (on the title screen) and 26426 (when a game is over).
27255 LD HL,31849 Pick up the sound on/off indicator.
27258 LD C,16 Initialise C for the loop that follows.
27260 PUSH BC Save the loop counter (unnecessarily).
27261 LD B,C Set B and D equal to 8*C. This value determines the pitch.
27262 SLA B
27264 SLA B
27266 SLA B
27268 LD D,B
27269 LD E,10 This value determines the duration.
27271 LD B,D Produce a sound (if the sound on/off indicator is on) with pitch and duration determined by D and E.
27272 LD A,31
27274 AND (HL)
27275 OUT (254),A
27277 DJNZ 27277
27279 LD A,7
27281 OUT (254),A
27283 LD B,D
27284 DJNZ 27284
27286 DEC E
27287 JR NZ,27271
27289 POP BC Restore the loop counter to C (unnecessarily).
27290 DEC C Finished yet?
27291 JR NZ,27260 Jump back if not.
27293 RET
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