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28463: Data for the word 'HORACE' on the title screen
Used by the routine at 27982.
Each byte here determines the bit pattern that is drawn in a single tile. Bits 4 and 5 determine the pattern in the upper half of the tile, and bits 0 and 1 determine the pattern in the lower half.
28463 DEFB 51,17,0,51,17,0,35,49 First row of tiles.
28471 DEFB 51,1,0,51,49,50,19,0
28479 DEFB 0,35,49,51,1,0,2,51
28487 DEFB 50,19,0,34,51,48,48,16
28495 DEFB 51,17,0,51,17,34,51,0 Second row of tiles.
28503 DEFB 34,51,0,51,17,0,51,17
28511 DEFB 34,51,0,34,51,0,51,17
28519 DEFB 0,48,16,34,51,0,0,0
28527 DEFB 51,19,3,51,17,34,51,0 Third row of tiles.
28535 DEFB 34,51,0,51,19,35,49,0
28543 DEFB 34,51,3,35,51,0,51,17
28551 DEFB 0,0,0,34,51,3,1,0
28559 DEFB 51,17,0,51,17,34,51,0 Fourth row of tiles.
28567 DEFB 34,51,0,51,49,51,1,0
28575 DEFB 34,51,0,34,51,0,51,17
28583 DEFB 0,3,1,34,51,0,0,0
28591 DEFB 51,17,0,51,17,0,50,19 Fifth row of tiles.
28599 DEFB 51,16,0,51,17,32,51,1
28607 DEFB 34,51,0,34,51,0,32,51
28615 DEFB 35,49,0,34,51,3,3,1
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