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Routines |
Prev: 031E | Up: Map | Next: 03B5 |
This subroutine is entered with the 'main code' in the E register, the value of FLAGS in the D register, the value of MODE in the C register and the 'shift byte' in the B register.
By considering these four values and referring, as necessary, to the six key tables a 'final code' is produced. This is returned in the A register.
K_DECODE | 0333 | LD A,E | Copy the 'main code'. | |||||||||||||||
0334 | CP $3A | Jump forward if a digit key is being considered; also SPACE, ENTER and both shifts. | ||||||||||||||||
0336 | JR C,K_DIGIT | |||||||||||||||||
0338 | DEC C | Decrement the MODE value. | ||||||||||||||||
0339 | JP M,K_KLC_LET | Jump forward, as needed, for modes 'K', 'L', 'C' and 'E'. | ||||||||||||||||
033C | JR Z,K_E_LET | |||||||||||||||||
Only 'graphics' mode remains and the 'final code' for letter keys in graphics mode is computed from the 'main code'.
033E | ADD A,$4F | Add the offset. | ||||||||||||||||
0340 | RET | Return with the 'final code'. | ||||||||||||||||
Letter keys in extended mode are considered next.
K_E_LET | 0341 | LD HL,$01EB | The base address for table 'b'. | |||||||||||||||
0344 | INC B | Jump forward to use this table if neither shift key is being pressed. | ||||||||||||||||
0345 | JR Z,K_LOOK_UP | |||||||||||||||||
0347 | LD HL,$0205 | Otherwise use the base address for table 'c'. | ||||||||||||||||
Key tables 'b-f' are all served by the following look-up routine. In all cases a 'final code' is found and returned.
K_LOOK_UP | 034A | LD D,$00 | Clear the D register. | |||||||||||||||
034C | ADD HL,DE | Index the required table and fetch the 'final code'. | ||||||||||||||||
034D | LD A,(HL) | |||||||||||||||||
034E | RET | Then return. | ||||||||||||||||
Letter keys in 'K', 'L' or 'C' modes are now considered. But first the special SYMBOL SHIFT codes have to be dealt with.
K_KLC_LET | 034F | LD HL,$0229 | The base address for table 'e'. | |||||||||||||||
0352 | BIT 0,B | Jump back if using the SYMBOL SHIFT key and a letter key. | ||||||||||||||||
0354 | JR Z,K_LOOK_UP | |||||||||||||||||
0356 | BIT 3,D | Jump forward if currently in 'K' mode. | ||||||||||||||||
0358 | JR Z,K_TOKENS | |||||||||||||||||
035A | BIT 3,(IY+$30) | If CAPS LOCK is set (bit 3 of FLAGS2 set) then return with the 'main code'. | ||||||||||||||||
035E | RET NZ | |||||||||||||||||
035F | INC B | Also return in the same manner if CAPS SHIFT is being pressed. | ||||||||||||||||
0360 | RET NZ | |||||||||||||||||
0361 | ADD A,$20 | However if lower case codes are required then +20 has to be added to the 'main code' to give the correct 'final code'. | ||||||||||||||||
0363 | RET | |||||||||||||||||
The 'final code' values for tokens are found by adding +A5 to the 'main code'.
K_TOKENS | 0364 | ADD A,$A5 | Add the required offset and return. | |||||||||||||||
0366 | RET | |||||||||||||||||
Next the digit keys, SPACE, ENTER and both shifts are considered.
K_DIGIT | 0367 | CP "0" | Proceed only with the digit keys, i.e. return with SPACE (+20), ENTER (+0D) and both shifts (+0E). | |||||||||||||||
0369 | RET C | |||||||||||||||||
036A | DEC C | Now separate the digit keys into three groups - according to the mode. | ||||||||||||||||
036B | JP M,K_KLC_DGT | Jump with 'K', 'L' and 'C' modes, and also with 'G' mode. Continue with 'E' mode. | ||||||||||||||||
036E | JR NZ,K_GRA_DGT | |||||||||||||||||
0370 | LD HL,$0254 | The base address for table 'f'. | ||||||||||||||||
0373 | BIT 5,B | Use this table for SYMBOL SHIFT and a digit key in extended mode. | ||||||||||||||||
0375 | JR Z,K_LOOK_UP | |||||||||||||||||
0377 | CP "8" | Jump forward with digit keys '8' and '9'. | ||||||||||||||||
0379 | JR NC,K_8_9 | |||||||||||||||||
The digit keys '0' to '7' in extended mode are to give either a 'paper colour code' or an 'ink colour code' depending on the use of CAPS SHIFT.
037B | SUB $20 | Reduce the range +30 to +37 giving +10 to +17. | ||||||||||||||||
037D | INC B | Return with this 'paper colour code' if CAPS SHIFT is not being used. | ||||||||||||||||
037E | RET Z | |||||||||||||||||
037F | ADD A,$08 | But if it is then the range is to be +18 to +1F instead - indicating an 'ink colour code'. | ||||||||||||||||
0381 | RET | |||||||||||||||||
The digit keys '8' and '9' are to give 'BRIGHT' and 'FLASH' codes.
K_8_9 | 0382 | SUB $36 | +38 and +39 go to +02 and +03. | |||||||||||||||
0384 | INC B | Return with these codes if CAPS SHIFT is not being used. (These are 'BRIGHT' codes.) | ||||||||||||||||
0385 | RET Z | |||||||||||||||||
0386 | ADD A,$FE | Subtract '2' if CAPS SHIFT is being used; giving +00 and +01 (as 'FLASH' codes). | ||||||||||||||||
0388 | RET | |||||||||||||||||
The digit keys in graphics mode are to give the block graphic characters (+80 to +8F), the GRAPHICS code (+0F) and the DELETE code (+0C).
K_GRA_DGT | 0389 | LD HL,$0230 | The base address of table 'd'. | |||||||||||||||
038C | CP "9" | Use this table directly for both digit key '9' that is to give GRAPHICS, and digit key '0' that is to give DELETE. | ||||||||||||||||
038E | JR Z,K_LOOK_UP | |||||||||||||||||
0390 | CP "0" | |||||||||||||||||
0392 | JR Z,K_LOOK_UP | |||||||||||||||||
0394 | AND $07 | For keys '1' to '8' make the range +80 to +87. | ||||||||||||||||
0396 | ADD A,$80 | |||||||||||||||||
0398 | INC B | Return with a value from this range if neither shift key is being pressed. | ||||||||||||||||
0399 | RET Z | |||||||||||||||||
039A | XOR $0F | But if 'shifted' make the range +88 to +8F. | ||||||||||||||||
039C | RET | |||||||||||||||||
Finally consider the digit keys in 'K', 'L' and 'C' modes.
K_KLC_DGT | 039D | INC B | Return directly if neither shift key is being used. (Final codes +30 to +39.) | |||||||||||||||
039E | RET Z | |||||||||||||||||
039F | BIT 5,B | Use table 'd' if the CAPS SHIFT key is also being pressed. | ||||||||||||||||
03A1 | LD HL,$0230 | |||||||||||||||||
03A4 | JR NZ,K_LOOK_UP | |||||||||||||||||
The codes for the various digit keys and SYMBOL SHIFT can now be found.
03A6 | SUB $10 | Reduce the range to give +20 to +29. | ||||||||||||||||
03A8 | CP $22 | Separate the '@' character from the others. | ||||||||||||||||
03AA | JR Z,K_AT_CHAR | |||||||||||||||||
03AC | CP $20 | The '_' character has also to be separated. | ||||||||||||||||
03AE | RET NZ | Return now with the 'final codes' +21, +23 to +29. | ||||||||||||||||
03AF | LD A,"_" | Give the '_' character a code of +5F. | ||||||||||||||||
03B1 | RET | |||||||||||||||||
K_AT_CHAR | 03B2 | LD A,"@" | Give the '@' character a code of +40. | |||||||||||||||
03B4 | RET |
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