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13893: THE 'READ-IN' SUBROUTINE (offset 26)
The address of this routine is found in the table of addresses. It is called indirectly via fp_calc_2.
This subroutine is called via the calculator offset (90) through the first line of S_INKEY. It appears to provide for the reading in of data through different streams from those available on the standard Spectrum. Like S_INKEY the subroutine returns a string.
read_in 13893 CALL FIND_INT1 The numerical parameter is compressed into the A register.
13896 CP 16 Is it smaller than 16?
13898 JP NC,REPORT_B_2 If not, report the error.
13901 LD HL,(23633) The current channel address (CURCHL) is saved on the machine stack.
13904 PUSH HL
13905 CALL CHAN_OPEN The channel specified by the parameter is opened.
13908 CALL INPUT_AD The signal is now accepted, like a 'key-value'.
13911 LD BC,0 The default length of the resulting string is zero.
13914 JR NC,R_I_STORE Jump if there was no signal.
13916 INC C Set the length to 1 now.
13917 RST 48 Make a space in the work space.
13918 LD (DE),A Put the string into it.
R_I_STORE 13919 CALL STK_STO Pass the parameters of the string to the calculator stack.
13922 POP HL Restore CURCHL and the appropriate flags.
13926 JP STK_PNTRS Exit, setting the pointers.
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