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Used by the routines at PO_ANY and PLOT.
The appropriate attribute byte is identified and fetched. The new value is formed by manipulating the old value, ATTR-T, MASK-T and P-FLAG. Finally this new value is copied to the attribute area.
HL Display file address
PO_ATTR 03035 LD A,H The high byte of the destination address is divided by eight and ANDed with 3 to determine which third of the screen is being addressed, i.e. 0, 1 or 2.
03036 RRCA
03037 RRCA
03038 RRCA
03039 AND 3
03041 OR 88 The high byte for the attribute area is then formed.
03043 LD H,A
03044 LD DE,(23695) E holds ATTR-T, and D holds MASK-T.
03048 LD A,(HL) The old attribute value.
03049 XOR E The values of MASK-T and ATTR-T are taken into account.
03050 AND D
03051 XOR E
03052 BIT 6,(IY+87) Jump forward unless dealing with PAPER 9 (bit 6 of P-FLAG set).
03056 JR Z,PO_ATTR_1
03058 AND 199 The old paper colour is ignored and depending on whether the ink colour is light or dark the new paper colour will be black (000) or white (111).
03060 BIT 2,A
03062 JR NZ,PO_ATTR_1
03064 XOR 56
PO_ATTR_1 03066 BIT 4,(IY+87) Jump forward unless dealing with INK 9 (bit 4 of P-FLAG set).
03070 JR Z,PO_ATTR_2
03072 AND 248 The old ink colour is ignored and depending on whether the paper colour is light or dark the new ink colour will be black (000) or white (111).
03074 BIT 5,A
03076 JR NZ,PO_ATTR_2
03078 XOR 7
PO_ATTR_2 03080 LD (HL),A Enter the new attribute value and return.
03081 RET
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