Prev: 07962 Up: Map Next: 07994
The address of this routine is found in the parameter table.
The line number and the statement number that are to be made the object of a 'return' are fetched from the GO SUB stack.
RETURN 07971 POP BC Fetch the address - STMT_RET.
07972 POP HL Fetch the 'error address'.
07973 POP DE Fetch the last entry on the GO SUB stack.
07974 LD A,D The entry is tested to see if it is the GO SUB stack end marker.
07975 CP 62
07977 JR Z,REPORT_7 Jump if it is.
07979 DEC SP The full entry uses three locations only.
07980 EX (SP),HL Exchange the statement number with the 'error address'.
07981 EX DE,HL Move the statement number.
07982 LD (23613),SP Reset the error pointer (ERR-SP).
07986 PUSH BC Replace the address STMT_RET.
07987 JP GO_TO_2 Jump back to change NEWPPC and NSPPC.
Report 7 - RETURN without GOSUB.
REPORT_7 07990 PUSH DE Replace the end marker and the 'error address'.
07991 PUSH HL
07992 RST 8 Call the error handling routine.
07993 DEFB 6
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