Prev: 09720 Up: Map Next: 09780
The address of this routine is derived from an offset found in the scanning function table.
Unless syntax is being checked the value of 'PI' is calculated and forms the 'last value' on the calculator stack.
S_PI 09767 CALL SYNTAX_Z Test for syntax checking.
09770 JR Z,S_PI_END Jump if required.
09772 RST 40 Now use the calculator.
09773 DEFB 163 stk_pi_2: The value of π/2 is put on the calculator stack as the 'last value'.
09774 DEFB 56 end_calc
09775 INC (HL) The exponent is incremented thereby doubling the 'last value' giving π.
This entry point is used by the routine at S_RND.
S_PI_END 09776 RST 32 Move on to the next character.
09777 JP S_NUMERIC Jump forward.
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