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A57C: crunch BASIC tokens
the crunch BASIC tokens vector is initialised to point here
A57C A6 7A LDX $7A get BASIC execute pointer low byte
A57E A0 04 LDY #$04 set save index
A580 84 0F STY $0F clear open quote/DATA flag
A582 BD 00 02 LDA $0200,X get a byte from the input buffer
A585 10 07 BPL $A58E if b7 clear go do crunching
A587 C9 FF CMP #$FF compare with the token for PI, this token is input directly from the keyboard as the PI character
A589 F0 3E BEQ $A5C9 if PI save byte then continue crunching
this is the bit of code that stops you being able to enter some keywords as just single shifted characters. If this dropped through you would be able to enter GOTO as just [SHIFT]G
A58B E8 INX increment read index
A58C D0 F4 BNE $A582 loop if more to do, branch always
A58E C9 20 CMP #" " compare with [SPACE]
A590 F0 37 BEQ $A5C9 if [SPACE] save byte then continue crunching
A592 85 08 STA $08 save buffer byte as search character
A594 C9 22 CMP #$22 compare with quote character
A596 F0 56 BEQ $A5EE if quote go copy quoted string
A598 24 0F BIT $0F get open quote/DATA token flag
A59A 70 2D BVS $A5C9 branch if b6 of quote set, was DATA
go save byte then continue crunching
A59C C9 3F CMP #$3F compare with "?" character
A59E D0 04 BNE $A5A4 if not "?" continue crunching
A5A0 A9 99 LDA #$99 else the keyword token is $99, PRINT
A5A2 D0 25 BNE $A5C9 go save byte then continue crunching, branch always
A5A4 C9 30 CMP #"0" compare with "0"
A5A6 90 04 BCC $A5AC branch if <, continue crunching
A5A8 C9 3C CMP #"<" compare with "<"
A5AA 90 1D BCC $A5C9 if <, 0123456789:; go save byte then continue crunching
gets here with next character not numeric, ";" or ":"
A5AC 84 71 STY $71 copy save index
A5AE A0 00 LDY #$00 clear table pointer
A5B0 84 0B STY $0B clear word index
A5B2 88 DEY adjust for pre increment loop
A5B3 86 7A STX $7A save BASIC execute pointer low byte, buffer index
A5B5 CA DEX adjust for pre increment loop
A5B6 C8 INY next table byte
A5B7 E8 INX next buffer byte
A5B8 BD 00 02 LDA $0200,X get byte from input buffer
A5BB 38 SEC set carry for subtract
A5BC F9 9E A0 SBC $A09E,Y subtract table byte
A5BF F0 F5 BEQ $A5B6 go compare next if match
A5C1 C9 80 CMP #$80 was it end marker match ?
A5C3 D0 30 BNE $A5F5 branch if not, not found keyword; actually this works even if the input buffer byte is the end marker, i.e. a shifted character. As you can't enter any keywords as a single shifted character, see above, you can enter keywords in shorthand by shifting any character after the first. so RETURN can be entered as R[SHIFT]E, RE[SHIFT]T, RET[SHIFT]U or RETU[SHIFT]R. RETUR[SHIFT]N however will not work because the [SHIFT]N will match the RETURN end marker so the routine will try to match the next character.
else found keyword
A5C5 05 0B ORA $0B OR with word index, +$80 in A makes token
A5C7 A4 71 LDY $71 restore save index
save byte then continue crunching
A5C9 E8 INX increment buffer read index
A5CA C8 INY increment save index
A5CB 99 FB 01 STA $01FB,Y save byte to output
A5CE B9 FB 01 LDA $01FB,Y get byte from output, set flags
A5D1 F0 36 BEQ $A609 branch if was null [EOL]
A holds the token here
A5D3 38 SEC set carry for subtract
A5D4 E9 3A SBC #":" subtract ":"
A5D6 F0 04 BEQ $A5DC branch if it was (is now $00)
A now holds token-':'
A5D8 C9 49 CMP #$49 compare with the token for DATA-':'
A5DA D0 02 BNE $A5DE if not DATA go try REM
token was : or DATA
A5DC 85 0F STA $0F save the token-$3A
A5DE 38 SEC set carry for subtract
A5DF E9 55 SBC #$55 subtract the token for REM-':'
A5E1 D0 9F BNE $A582 if wasn't REM crunch next bit of line
A5E3 85 08 STA $08 else was REM so set search for [EOL]
loop for "..." etc.
A5E5 BD 00 02 LDA $0200,X get byte from input buffer
A5E8 F0 DF BEQ $A5C9 if null [EOL] save byte then continue crunching
A5EA C5 08 CMP $08 compare with stored character
A5EC F0 DB BEQ $A5C9 if match save byte then continue crunching
A5EE C8 INY increment save index
A5EF 99 FB 01 STA $01FB,Y save byte to output
A5F2 E8 INX increment buffer index
A5F3 D0 F0 BNE $A5E5 loop while <> 0, should never reach 0
not found keyword this go
A5F5 A6 7A LDX $7A restore BASIC execute pointer low byte
A5F7 E6 0B INC $0B increment word index (next word)
now find end of this word in the table
A5F9 C8 INY increment table index
A5FA B9 9D A0 LDA $A09D,Y get table byte
A5FD 10 FA BPL $A5F9 loop if not end of word yet
A5FF B9 9E A0 LDA $A09E,Y get byte from keyword table
A602 D0 B4 BNE $A5B8 go test next word if not zero byte, end of table
reached end of table with no match
A604 BD 00 02 LDA $0200,X restore byte from input buffer
A607 10 BE BPL $A5C7 branch always, all unmatched bytes in the buffer are $00 to $7F, go save byte in output and continue crunching
reached [EOL]
A609 99 FD 01 STA $01FD,Y save [EOL]
A60C C6 7B DEC $7B decrement BASIC execute pointer high byte
A60E A9 FF LDA #$FF point to start of buffer-1
A610 85 7A STA $7A set BASIC execute pointer low byte
A612 60 RTS
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