Prev: A831 Up: Map Next: A871
A857: perform CONT
A857 D0 17 BNE $A870 exit if following byte to allow syntax error
A859 A2 1A LDX #$1A error code $1A, can't continue error
A85B A4 3E LDY $3E get continue pointer high byte
A85D D0 03 BNE $A862 go do continue if we can
A85F 4C 37 A4 JMP $A437 else do error #X then warm start
we can continue so ...
A862 A5 3D LDA $3D get continue pointer low byte
A864 85 7A STA $7A save BASIC execute pointer low byte
A866 84 7B STY $7B save BASIC execute pointer high byte
A868 A5 3B LDA $3B get break line low byte
A86A A4 3C LDY $3C get break line high byte
A86C 85 39 STA $39 set current line number low byte
A86E 84 3A STY $3A set current line number high byte
This entry point is used by the routine at A831.
A870 60 RTS
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