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AF14: check address range
Used by the routine at AF28.
return Cb = 1 if address in BASIC ROM
AF14 38 SEC set carry for subtract
AF15 A5 64 LDA $64 get variable address low byte
AF17 E9 00 SBC #$00 subtract $A000 low byte
AF19 A5 65 LDA $65 get variable address high byte
AF1B E9 A0 SBC #$A0 subtract $A000 high byte
AF1D 90 08 BCC $AF27 exit if address < $A000
AF1F A9 A2 LDA #$A2 get end of BASIC marker low byte
AF21 E5 64 SBC $64 subtract variable address low byte
AF23 A9 E3 LDA #$E3 get end of BASIC marker high byte
AF25 E5 65 SBC $65 subtract variable address high byte
AF27 60 RTS
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