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B39E: perform POS()
B39E 38 SEC set Cb for read cursor position
B39F 20 F0 FF JSR $FFF0 read/set X,Y cursor position
This entry point is used by the routines at B77C, B78B and B80D.
B3A2 A9 00 LDA #$00 clear high byte
B3A4 F0 EB BEQ $B391 convert fixed integer AY to float FAC1, branch always
This entry point is used by the routines at AB7B, ABBF and B3B3.
check not Direct, used by DEF and INPUT
B3A6 A6 3A LDX $3A get current line number high byte
B3A8 E8 INX increment it
B3A9 D0 A0 BNE $B34B return if not direct mode
else do illegal direct error
B3AB A2 15 LDX #$15 error $15, illegal direct error
B3AD .BYTE $2C makes next line BIT $1BA2
This entry point is used by the routine at B3F4.
B3AE A2 1B LDX #$1B error $1B, undefined function error
B3B0 4C 37 A4 JMP $A437 do error #X then warm start
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