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B1D1: find or make array
Used by the routine at B08B.
an array is stored as follows
array name two bytes with the following patterns for different types
1st char b7 2nd char b7 type element size
0 0 floating point 5
0 1 string 3
1 1 integer 2
offset to next array word
dimension count byte
1st dimension size word, this is the number of elements including 0
2nd dimension size word, only here if the array has a second dimension
3rd dimension size word, only here if the array has a third dimension
note: the dimension size word is in high byte low byte format, not like most 6502 words then for each element the required number of bytes given as the element size above
find or make array
B1D1 A5 0C LDA $0C get DIM flag
B1D3 05 0E ORA $0E OR with data type flag
B1D5 48 PHA push it
B1D6 A5 0D LDA $0D get data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
B1D8 48 PHA push it
B1D9 A0 00 LDY #$00 clear dimensions count
now get the array dimension(s) and stack it (them) before the data type and DIM flag
B1DB 98 TYA copy dimensions count
B1DC 48 PHA save it
B1DD A5 46 LDA $46 get array name 2nd byte
B1DF 48 PHA save it
B1E0 A5 45 LDA $45 get array name 1st byte
B1E2 48 PHA save it
B1E3 20 B2 B1 JSR $B1B2 evaluate integer expression
B1E6 68 PLA pull array name 1st byte
B1E7 85 45 STA $45 restore array name 1st byte
B1E9 68 PLA pull array name 2nd byte
B1EA 85 46 STA $46 restore array name 2nd byte
B1EC 68 PLA pull dimensions count
B1ED A8 TAY restore it
B1EE BA TSX copy stack pointer
B1EF BD 02 01 LDA $0102,X get DIM flag
B1F2 48 PHA push it
B1F3 BD 01 01 LDA $0101,X get data type flag
B1F6 48 PHA push it
B1F7 A5 64 LDA $64 get this dimension size high byte
B1F9 9D 02 01 STA $0102,X stack before flag bytes
B1FC A5 65 LDA $65 get this dimension size low byte
B1FE 9D 01 01 STA $0101,X stack before flag bytes
B201 C8 INY increment dimensions count
B202 20 79 00 JSR $0079 scan memory
B205 C9 2C CMP #"," compare with ","
B207 F0 D2 BEQ $B1DB if found go do next dimension
B209 84 0B STY $0B store dimensions count
B20B 20 F7 AE JSR $AEF7 scan for ")", else do syntax error then warm start
B20E 68 PLA pull data type flag
B20F 85 0D STA $0D restore data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
B211 68 PLA pull data type flag
B212 85 0E STA $0E restore data type flag, $80 = integer, $00 = float
B214 29 7F AND #%01111111 mask dim flag
B216 85 0C STA $0C restore DIM flag
B218 A6 2F LDX $2F set end of variables low byte (array memory start low byte)
B21A A5 30 LDA $30 set end of variables high byte (array memory start high byte)
now check to see if we are at the end of array memory, we would be if there were no arrays.
B21C 86 5F STX $5F save as array start pointer low byte
B21E 85 60 STA $60 save as array start pointer high byte
B220 C5 32 CMP $32 compare with end of arrays high byte
B222 D0 04 BNE $B228 branch if not reached array memory end
B224 E4 31 CPX $31 else compare with end of arrays low byte
B226 F0 39 BEQ $B261 go build array if not found
search for array
B228 A0 00 LDY #$00 clear index
B22A B1 5F LDA ($5F),Y get array name first byte
B22C C8 INY increment index to second name byte
B22D C5 45 CMP $45 compare with this array name first byte
B22F D0 06 BNE $B237 branch if no match
B231 A5 46 LDA $46 else get this array name second byte
B233 D1 5F CMP ($5F),Y compare with array name second byte
B235 F0 16 BEQ $B24D array found so branch
no match
B237 C8 INY increment index
B238 B1 5F LDA ($5F),Y get array size low byte
B23A 18 CLC clear carry for add
B23B 65 5F ADC $5F add array start pointer low byte
B23D AA TAX copy low byte to X
B23E C8 INY increment index
B23F B1 5F LDA ($5F),Y get array size high byte
B241 65 60 ADC $60 add array memory pointer high byte
B243 90 D7 BCC $B21C if no overflow go check next array
do bad subscript error
B245 A2 12 LDX #$12 error $12, bad subscript error
B247 .BYTE $2C makes next line BIT $0EA2
This entry point is used by the routines at AA1D, B1B2, B798 and B9EA.
do illegal quantity error
B248 A2 0E LDX #$0E error $0E, illegal quantity error
B24A 4C 37 A4 JMP $A437 do error #X then warm start
found the array
B24D A2 13 LDX #$13 set error $13, double dimension error
B24F A5 0C LDA $0C get DIM flag
B251 D0 F7 BNE $B24A if we are trying to dimension it do error #X then warm start
found the array and we're not dimensioning it so we must find an element in it
B253 20 94 B1 JSR $B194 set-up array pointer to first element in array
B256 A5 0B LDA $0B get dimensions count
B258 A0 04 LDY #$04 set index to array's # of dimensions
B25A D1 5F CMP ($5F),Y compare with no of dimensions
B25C D0 E7 BNE $B245 if wrong do bad subscript error
B25E 4C EA B2 JMP $B2EA found array so go get element
array not found, so build it
B261 20 94 B1 JSR $B194 set-up array pointer to first element in array
B264 20 08 A4 JSR $A408 check available memory, do out of memory error if no room
B267 A0 00 LDY #$00 clear Y
B269 84 72 STY $72 clear array data size high byte
B26B A2 05 LDX #$05 set default element size
B26D A5 45 LDA $45 get variable name 1st byte
B26F 91 5F STA ($5F),Y save array name 1st byte
B271 10 01 BPL $B274 branch if not string or floating point array
B273 CA DEX decrement element size, $04
B274 C8 INY increment index
B275 A5 46 LDA $46 get variable name 2nd byte
B277 91 5F STA ($5F),Y save array name 2nd byte
B279 10 02 BPL $B27D branch if not integer or string
B27B CA DEX decrement element size, $03
B27C CA DEX decrement element size, $02
B27D 86 71 STX $71 save element size
B27F A5 0B LDA $0B get dimensions count
B281 C8 INY increment index ..
B282 C8 INY .. to array ..
B283 C8 INY .. dimension count
B284 91 5F STA ($5F),Y save array dimension count
B286 A2 0B LDX #$0B set default dimension size low byte
B288 A9 00 LDA #$00 set default dimension size high byte
B28A 24 0C BIT $0C test DIM flag
B28C 50 08 BVC $B296 branch if default to be used
B28E 68 PLA pull dimension size low byte
B28F 18 CLC clear carry for add
B290 69 01 ADC #$01 add 1, allow for zeroeth element
B292 AA TAX copy low byte to X
B293 68 PLA pull dimension size high byte
B294 69 00 ADC #$00 add carry to high byte
B296 C8 INY incement index to dimension size high byte
B297 91 5F STA ($5F),Y save dimension size high byte
B299 C8 INY incement index to dimension size low byte
B29A 8A TXA copy dimension size low byte
B29B 91 5F STA ($5F),Y save dimension size low byte
B29D 20 4C B3 JSR $B34C compute array size
B2A0 86 71 STX $71 save result low byte
B2A2 85 72 STA $72 save result high byte
B2A4 A4 22 LDY $22 restore index
B2A6 C6 0B DEC $0B decrement dimensions count
B2A8 D0 DC BNE $B286 loop if not all done
B2AA 65 59 ADC $59 add array data pointer high byte
B2AC B0 5D BCS $B30B if overflow do out of memory error then warm start
B2AE 85 59 STA $59 save array data pointer high byte
B2B0 A8 TAY copy array data pointer high byte
B2B1 8A TXA copy array size low byte
B2B2 65 58 ADC $58 add array data pointer low byte
B2B4 90 03 BCC $B2B9 branch if no rollover
B2B6 C8 INY else increment next array pointer high byte
B2B7 F0 52 BEQ $B30B if rolled over do out of memory error then warm start
B2B9 20 08 A4 JSR $A408 check available memory, do out of memory error if no room
B2BC 85 31 STA $31 set end of arrays low byte
B2BE 84 32 STY $32 set end of arrays high byte
now the aray is created we need to zero all the elements in it
B2C0 A9 00 LDA #$00 clear A for array clear
B2C2 E6 72 INC $72 increment array size high byte, now block count
B2C4 A4 71 LDY $71 get array size low byte, now index to block
B2C6 F0 05 BEQ $B2CD branch if $00
B2C8 88 DEY decrement index, do 0 to n-1
B2C9 91 58 STA ($58),Y clear array element byte
B2CB D0 FB BNE $B2C8 loop until this block done
B2CD C6 59 DEC $59 decrement array pointer high byte
B2CF C6 72 DEC $72 decrement block count high byte
B2D1 D0 F5 BNE $B2C8 loop until all blocks done
B2D3 E6 59 INC $59 correct for last loop
B2D5 38 SEC set carry for subtract
B2D6 A5 31 LDA $31 get end of arrays low byte
B2D8 E5 5F SBC $5F subtract array start low byte
B2DA A0 02 LDY #$02 index to array size low byte
B2DC 91 5F STA ($5F),Y save array size low byte
B2DE A5 32 LDA $32 get end of arrays high byte
B2E0 C8 INY index to array size high byte
B2E1 E5 60 SBC $60 subtract array start high byte
B2E3 91 5F STA ($5F),Y save array size high byte
B2E5 A5 0C LDA $0C get default DIM flag
B2E7 D0 62 BNE $B34B exit if this was a DIM command
else, find element
B2E9 C8 INY set index to # of dimensions, the dimension indices are on the stack and will be removed as the position of the array element is calculated
B2EA B1 5F LDA ($5F),Y get array's dimension count
B2EC 85 0B STA $0B save it
B2EE A9 00 LDA #$00 clear byte
B2F0 85 71 STA $71 clear array data pointer low byte
B2F2 85 72 STA $72 save array data pointer high byte
B2F4 C8 INY increment index, point to array bound high byte
B2F5 68 PLA pull array index low byte
B2F6 AA TAX copy to X
B2F7 85 64 STA $64 save index low byte to FAC1 mantissa 3
B2F9 68 PLA pull array index high byte
B2FA 85 65 STA $65 save index high byte to FAC1 mantissa 4
B2FC D1 5F CMP ($5F),Y compare with array bound high byte
B2FE 90 0E BCC $B30E branch if within bounds
B300 D0 06 BNE $B308 if outside bounds do bad subscript error
else high byte was = so test low bytes
B302 C8 INY index to array bound low byte
B303 8A TXA get array index low byte
B304 D1 5F CMP ($5F),Y compare with array bound low byte
B306 90 07 BCC $B30F branch if within bounds
B308 4C 45 B2 JMP $B245 do bad subscript error
B30B 4C 35 A4 JMP $A435 do out of memory error then warm start
B30E C8 INY index to array bound low byte
B30F A5 72 LDA $72 get array data pointer high byte
B311 05 71 ORA $71 OR with array data pointer low byte
B313 18 CLC clear carry for either add, carry always clear here ??
B314 F0 0A BEQ $B320 branch if array data pointer = null, skip multiply
B316 20 4C B3 JSR $B34C compute array size
B319 8A TXA get result low byte
B31A 65 64 ADC $64 add index low byte from FAC1 mantissa 3
B31C AA TAX save result low byte
B31D 98 TYA get result high byte
B31E A4 22 LDY $22 restore index
B320 65 65 ADC $65 add index high byte from FAC1 mantissa 4
B322 86 71 STX $71 save array data pointer low byte
B324 C6 0B DEC $0B decrement dimensions count
B326 D0 CA BNE $B2F2 loop if dimensions still to do
B328 85 72 STA $72 save array data pointer high byte
B32A A2 05 LDX #$05 set default element size
B32C A5 45 LDA $45 get variable name 1st byte
B32E 10 01 BPL $B331 branch if not string or floating point array
B330 CA DEX decrement element size, $04
B331 A5 46 LDA $46 get variable name 2nd byte
B333 10 02 BPL $B337 branch if not integer or string
B335 CA DEX decrement element size, $03
B336 CA DEX decrement element size, $02
B337 86 28 STX $28 save dimension size low byte
B339 A9 00 LDA #$00 clear dimension size high byte
B33B 20 55 B3 JSR $B355 compute array size
B33E 8A TXA copy array size low byte
B33F 65 58 ADC $58 add array data start pointer low byte
B341 85 47 STA $47 save as current variable pointer low byte
B343 98 TYA copy array size high byte
B344 65 59 ADC $59 add array data start pointer high byte
B346 85 48 STA $48 save as current variable pointer high byte
B348 A8 TAY copy high byte to Y
B349 A5 47 LDA $47 get current variable pointer low byte
This entry point is used by the routine at B39E.
pointer to element is now in AY
B34B 60 RTS
compute array size, result in XY
B34C 84 22 STY $22 save index
B34E B1 5F LDA ($5F),Y get dimension size low byte
B350 85 28 STA $28 save dimension size low byte
B352 88 DEY decrement index
B353 B1 5F LDA ($5F),Y get dimension size high byte
B355 85 29 STA $29 save dimension size high byte
B357 A9 10 LDA #$10 count = $10 (16 bit multiply)
B359 85 5D STA $5D save bit count
B35B A2 00 LDX #$00 clear result low byte
B35D A0 00 LDY #$00 clear result high byte
B35F 8A TXA get result low byte
B360 0A ASL A *2
B361 AA TAX save result low byte
B362 98 TYA get result high byte
B363 2A ROL A *2
B364 A8 TAY save result high byte
B365 B0 A4 BCS $B30B if overflow go do "Out of memory" error
B367 06 71 ASL $71 shift element size low byte
B369 26 72 ROL $72 shift element size high byte
B36B 90 0B BCC $B378 skip add if no carry
B36D 18 CLC else clear carry for add
B36E 8A TXA get result low byte
B36F 65 28 ADC $28 add dimension size low byte
B371 AA TAX save result low byte
B372 98 TYA get result high byte
B373 65 29 ADC $29 add dimension size high byte
B375 A8 TAY save result high byte
B376 B0 93 BCS $B30B if overflow go do "Out of memory" error
B378 C6 5D DEC $5D decrement bit count
B37A D0 E3 BNE $B35F loop until all done
B37C 60 RTS
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