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B08B: search for variable
Used by the routines at A9A5, AC0F, AD1E, AF28 and B3B3.
B08B A2 00 LDX #$00 set DIM flag = $00
B08D 20 79 00 JSR $0079 scan memory, 1st character
This entry point is used by the routine at B07E.
B090 86 0C STX $0C save DIM flag
This entry point is used by the routine at B3E1.
B092 85 45 STA $45 save 1st character
B094 20 79 00 JSR $0079 scan memory
B097 20 13 B1 JSR $B113 check byte, return Cb = 0 if<"A" or >"Z"
B09A B0 03 BCS $B09F branch if ok
B09C 4C 08 AF JMP $AF08 else syntax error then warm start
was variable name so ...
B09F A2 00 LDX #$00 clear 2nd character temp
B0A1 86 0D STX $0D clear data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
B0A3 86 0E STX $0E clear data type flag, $80 = integer, $00 = float
B0A5 20 73 00 JSR $0073 increment and scan memory, 2nd character
B0A8 90 05 BCC $B0AF if character = "0"-"9" (ok) go save 2nd character
2nd character wasn't "0" to "9" so ...
B0AA 20 13 B1 JSR $B113 check byte, return Cb = 0 if<"A" or >"Z"
B0AD 90 0B BCC $B0BA branch if <"A" or >"Z" (go check if string)
B0AF AA TAX copy 2nd character
ignore further (valid) characters in the variable name
B0B0 20 73 00 JSR $0073 increment and scan memory, 3rd character
B0B3 90 FB BCC $B0B0 loop if character = "0"-"9" (ignore)
B0B5 20 13 B1 JSR $B113 check byte, return Cb = 0 if<"A" or >"Z"
B0B8 B0 F6 BCS $B0B0 loop if character = "A"-"Z" (ignore)
check if string variable
B0BA C9 24 CMP #"$" compare with "$"
B0BC D0 06 BNE $B0C4 branch if not string
type is string
B0BE A9 FF LDA #$FF set data type = string
B0C0 85 0D STA $0D set data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
B0C2 D0 10 BNE $B0D4 branch always
B0C4 C9 25 CMP #"%" compare with "%"
B0C6 D0 13 BNE $B0DB branch if not integer
B0C8 A5 10 LDA $10 get subscript/FNX flag
B0CA D0 D0 BNE $B09C if ?? do syntax error then warm start
B0CC A9 80 LDA #$80 set integer type
B0CE 85 0E STA $0E set data type = integer
B0D0 05 45 ORA $45 OR current variable name first byte
B0D2 85 45 STA $45 save current variable name first byte
B0D4 8A TXA get 2nd character back
B0D5 09 80 ORA #$80 set top bit, indicate string or integer variable
B0D7 AA TAX copy back to 2nd character temp
B0D8 20 73 00 JSR $0073 increment and scan memory
B0DB 86 46 STX $46 save 2nd character
B0DD 38 SEC set carry for subtract
B0DE 05 10 ORA $10 or with subscript/FNX flag - or FN name
B0E0 E9 28 SBC #"(" subtract "("
B0E2 D0 03 BNE $B0E7 branch if not "("
B0E4 4C D1 B1 JMP $B1D1 go find, or make, array
either find or create variable
variable name wasn't xx(.... so look for plain variable
B0E7 A0 00 LDY #$00 clear A
B0E9 84 10 STY $10 clear subscript/FNX flag
B0EB A5 2D LDA $2D get start of variables low byte
B0ED A6 2E LDX $2E get start of variables high byte
B0EF 86 60 STX $60 save search address high byte
B0F1 85 5F STA $5F save search address low byte
B0F3 E4 30 CPX $30 compare with end of variables high byte
B0F5 D0 04 BNE $B0FB skip next compare if <>
high addresses were = so compare low addresses
B0F7 C5 2F CMP $2F compare low address with end of variables low byte
B0F9 F0 22 BEQ $B11D if not found go make new variable
B0FB A5 45 LDA $45 get 1st character of variable to find
B0FD D1 5F CMP ($5F),Y compare with variable name 1st character
B0FF D0 08 BNE $B109 branch if no match
1st characters match so compare 2nd character
B101 A5 46 LDA $46 get 2nd character of variable to find
B103 C8 INY index to point to variable name 2nd character
B104 D1 5F CMP ($5F),Y compare with variable name 2nd character
B106 F0 7D BEQ $B185 branch if match (found variable)
B108 88 DEY else decrement index (now = $00)
B109 18 CLC clear carry for add
B10A A5 5F LDA $5F get search address low byte
B10C 69 07 ADC #$07 +7, offset to next variable name
B10E 90 E1 BCC $B0F1 loop if no overflow to high byte
B110 E8 INX else increment high byte
B111 D0 DC BNE $B0EF loop always, RAM doesn't extend to $FFFF
This entry point is used by the routine at AE86.
check byte, return Cb = 0 if<"A" or >"Z"
B113 C9 41 CMP #"A" compare with "A"
B115 90 05 BCC $B11C exit if less
carry is set
B117 E9 5B SBC #$5B subtract "Z"+1
B119 38 SEC set carry
B11A E9 A5 SBC #$A5 subtract $A5 (restore byte)
carry clear if byte > $5A
B11C 60 RTS
reached end of variable memory without match ... so create new variable
B11D 68 PLA pop return address low byte
B11E 48 PHA push return address low byte
B11F C9 2A CMP #$2A compare with expected calling routine return low byte
B121 D0 05 BNE $B128 if not get variable go create new variable
this will only drop through if the call was from AF28 and is only called from there if it is searching for a variable from the right hand side of a LET a=b statement, it prevents the creation of variables not assigned a value.
value returned by this is either numeric zero, exponent byte is $00, or null string, descriptor length byte is $00. in fact a pointer to any $00 byte would have done. else return dummy null value
B123 A9 13 LDA #$13 set result pointer low byte
B125 A0 BF LDY #$BF set result pointer high byte
B127 60 RTS
create new numeric variable
B128 A5 45 LDA $45 get variable name first character
B12A A4 46 LDY $46 get variable name second character
B12C C9 54 CMP #"T" compare first character with "T"
B12E D0 0B BNE $B13B branch if not "T"
B130 C0 C9 CPY #"I"+$80 compare second character with "I$"
B132 F0 EF BEQ $B123 if "I$" return null value
B134 C0 49 CPY #"I" compare second character with "I"
B136 D0 03 BNE $B13B branch if not "I"
if name is "TI" do syntax error
B138 4C 08 AF JMP $AF08 do syntax error then warm start
B13B C9 53 CMP #"S" compare first character with "S"
B13D D0 04 BNE $B143 branch if not "S"
B13F C0 54 CPY #"T" compare second character with "T"
B141 F0 F5 BEQ $B138 if name is "ST" do syntax error
B143 A5 2F LDA $2F get end of variables low byte
B145 A4 30 LDY $30 get end of variables high byte
B147 85 5F STA $5F save old block start low byte
B149 84 60 STY $60 save old block start high byte
B14B A5 31 LDA $31 get end of arrays low byte
B14D A4 32 LDY $32 get end of arrays high byte
B14F 85 5A STA $5A save old block end low byte
B151 84 5B STY $5B save old block end high byte
B153 18 CLC clear carry for add
B154 69 07 ADC #$07 +7, space for one variable
B156 90 01 BCC $B159 branch if no overflow to high byte
B158 C8 INY else increment high byte
B159 85 58 STA $58 set new block end low byte
B15B 84 59 STY $59 set new block end high byte
B15D 20 B8 A3 JSR $A3B8 open up space in memory
B160 A5 58 LDA $58 get new start low byte
B162 A4 59 LDY $59 get new start high byte (-$100)
B164 C8 INY correct high byte
B165 85 2F STA $2F set end of variables low byte
B167 84 30 STY $30 set end of variables high byte
B169 A0 00 LDY #$00 clear index
B16B A5 45 LDA $45 get variable name 1st character
B16D 91 5F STA ($5F),Y save variable name 1st character
B16F C8 INY increment index
B170 A5 46 LDA $46 get variable name 2nd character
B172 91 5F STA ($5F),Y save variable name 2nd character
B174 A9 00 LDA #$00 clear A
B176 C8 INY increment index
B177 91 5F STA ($5F),Y initialise variable byte
B179 C8 INY increment index
B17A 91 5F STA ($5F),Y initialise variable byte
B17C C8 INY increment index
B17D 91 5F STA ($5F),Y initialise variable byte
B17F C8 INY increment index
B180 91 5F STA ($5F),Y initialise variable byte
B182 C8 INY increment index
B183 91 5F STA ($5F),Y initialise variable byte
found a match for variable
B185 A5 5F LDA $5F get variable address low byte
B187 18 CLC clear carry for add
B188 69 02 ADC #$02 +2, offset past variable name bytes
B18A A4 60 LDY $60 get variable address high byte
B18C 90 01 BCC $B18F branch if no overflow from add
B18E C8 INY else increment high byte
B18F 85 47 STA $47 save current variable pointer low byte
B191 84 48 STY $48 save current variable pointer high byte
B193 60 RTS
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