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AC0F: perform GET
Used by the routine at AB7B.
AC0F 85 11 STA $11 set input mode flag, $00 = INPUT, $40 = GET, $98 = READ
AC11 86 43 STX $43 save READ pointer low byte
AC13 84 44 STY $44 save READ pointer high byte
READ, GET or INPUT next variable from list
AC15 20 8B B0 JSR $B08B get variable address
AC18 85 49 STA $49 save address low byte
AC1A 84 4A STY $4A save address high byte
AC1C A5 7A LDA $7A get BASIC execute pointer low byte
AC1E A4 7B LDY $7B get BASIC execute pointer high byte
AC20 85 4B STA $4B save BASIC execute pointer low byte
AC22 84 4C STY $4C save BASIC execute pointer high byte
AC24 A6 43 LDX $43 get READ pointer low byte
AC26 A4 44 LDY $44 get READ pointer high byte
AC28 86 7A STX $7A save as BASIC execute pointer low byte
AC2A 84 7B STY $7B save as BASIC execute pointer high byte
AC2C 20 79 00 JSR $0079 scan memory
AC2F D0 20 BNE $AC51 branch if not null
pointer was to null entry
AC31 24 11 BIT $11 test input mode flag, $00 = INPUT, $40 = GET, $98 = READ
AC33 50 0C BVC $AC41 branch if not GET
else was GET
AC35 20 24 E1 JSR $E124 get character from input device with error check
AC38 8D 00 02 STA $0200 save to buffer
AC3B A2 FF LDX #$FF set pointer low byte
AC3D A0 01 LDY #$01 set pointer high byte
AC3F D0 0C BNE $AC4D go interpret single character
AC41 30 75 BMI $ACB8 branch if READ
else was INPUT
AC43 A5 13 LDA $13 get current I/O channel
AC45 D0 03 BNE $AC4A skip "?" prompt if not default channel
AC47 20 45 AB JSR $AB45 print "?"
AC4A 20 F9 AB JSR $ABF9 print "? " and get BASIC input
AC4D 86 7A STX $7A save BASIC execute pointer low byte
AC4F 84 7B STY $7B save BASIC execute pointer high byte
AC51 20 73 00 JSR $0073 increment and scan memory, execute pointer now points to start of next data or null terminator
AC54 24 0D BIT $0D test data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
AC56 10 31 BPL $AC89 branch if numeric type is string
AC58 24 11 BIT $11 test INPUT mode flag, $00 = INPUT, $40 = GET, $98 = READ
AC5A 50 09 BVC $AC65 branch if not GET
else do string GET
AC5C E8 INX clear X ??
AC5D 86 7A STX $7A save BASIC execute pointer low byte
AC5F A9 00 LDA #$00 clear A
AC61 85 07 STA $07 clear search character
AC63 F0 0C BEQ $AC71 branch always
is string INPUT or string READ
AC65 85 07 STA $07 save search character
AC67 C9 22 CMP #$22 compare with "
AC69 F0 07 BEQ $AC72 branch if quote
string is not in quotes so ":", "," or $00 are the termination characters
AC6B A9 3A LDA #":" set ":"
AC6D 85 07 STA $07 set search character
AC6F A9 2C LDA #"," set ","
AC71 18 CLC clear carry for add
AC72 85 08 STA $08 set scan quotes flag
AC74 A5 7A LDA $7A get BASIC execute pointer low byte
AC76 A4 7B LDY $7B get BASIC execute pointer high byte
AC78 69 00 ADC #$00 add to pointer low byte. this add increments the pointer
if the mode is INPUT or READ and the data is a "..." string
AC7A 90 01 BCC $AC7D branch if no rollover
AC7C C8 INY else increment pointer high byte
AC7D 20 8D B4 JSR $B48D print string to utility pointer
AC80 20 E2 B7 JSR $B7E2 restore BASIC execute pointer from temp
AC83 20 DA A9 JSR $A9DA perform string LET
AC86 4C 91 AC JMP $AC91 continue processing command
GET, INPUT or READ is numeric
AC89 20 F3 BC JSR $BCF3 get FAC1 from string
AC8C A5 0E LDA $0E get data type flag, $80 = integer, $00 = float
AC8E 20 C2 A9 JSR $A9C2 assign value to numeric variable
AC91 20 79 00 JSR $0079 scan memory
AC94 F0 07 BEQ $AC9D branch if ":" or [EOL]
AC96 C9 2C CMP #"," compare with ","
AC98 F0 03 BEQ $AC9D branch if ","
AC9A 4C 4D AB JMP $AB4D else go do bad input routine
string terminated with ":", "," or $00
AC9D A5 7A LDA $7A get BASIC execute pointer low byte
AC9F A4 7B LDY $7B get BASIC execute pointer high byte
ACA1 85 43 STA $43 save READ pointer low byte
ACA3 84 44 STY $44 save READ pointer high byte
ACA5 A5 4B LDA $4B get saved BASIC execute pointer low byte
ACA7 A4 4C LDY $4C get saved BASIC execute pointer high byte
ACA9 85 7A STA $7A restore BASIC execute pointer low byte
ACAB 84 7B STY $7B restore BASIC execute pointer high byte
ACAD 20 79 00 JSR $0079 scan memory
ACB0 F0 2D BEQ $ACDF branch if ":" or [EOL]
ACB2 20 FD AE JSR $AEFD scan for ",", else do syntax error then warm start
ACB5 4C 15 AC JMP $AC15 go READ or INPUT next variable from list
was READ
ACB8 20 06 A9 JSR $A906 scan for next BASIC statement ([:] or [EOL])
ACBB C8 INY increment index to next byte
ACBC AA TAX copy byte to X
ACBD D0 12 BNE $ACD1 branch if ":"
ACBF A2 0D LDX #$0D else set error $0D, out of data error
ACC1 C8 INY increment index to next line pointer high byte
ACC2 B1 7A LDA ($7A),Y get next line pointer high byte
ACC4 F0 6C BEQ $AD32 branch if program end, eventually does error X
ACC6 C8 INY increment index
ACC7 B1 7A LDA ($7A),Y get next line # low byte
ACC9 85 3F STA $3F save current DATA line low byte
ACCB C8 INY increment index
ACCC B1 7A LDA ($7A),Y get next line # high byte
ACCE C8 INY increment index
ACCF 85 40 STA $40 save current DATA line high byte
ACD1 20 FB A8 JSR $A8FB add Y to the BASIC execute pointer
ACD4 20 79 00 JSR $0079 scan memory
ACD7 AA TAX copy the byte
ACD8 E0 83 CPX #$83 compare it with token for DATA
ACDA D0 DC BNE $ACB8 loop if not DATA
ACDC 4C 51 AC JMP $AC51 continue evaluating READ
ACDF A5 43 LDA $43 get READ pointer low byte
ACE1 A4 44 LDY $44 get READ pointer high byte
ACE3 A6 11 LDX $11 get INPUT mode flag, $00 = INPUT, $40 = GET, $98 = READ
ACE5 10 03 BPL $ACEA branch if INPUT or GET
ACE7 4C 27 A8 JMP $A827 else set data pointer and exit
ACEA A0 00 LDY #$00 clear index
ACEC B1 43 LDA ($43),Y get READ byte
ACEE F0 0B BEQ $ACFB exit if [EOL]
ACF0 A5 13 LDA $13 get current I/O channel
ACF2 D0 07 BNE $ACFB exit if not default channel
ACF4 A9 FC LDA #$FC set "?EXTRA IGNORED" pointer low byte
ACF6 A0 AC LDY #$AC set "?EXTRA IGNORED" pointer high byte
ACF8 4C 1E AB JMP $AB1E print null terminated string
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