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B487: scan, set up string
Used by the routines at AAA0, AB1E, AE86 and B465.
print " terminated string to utility pointer
B487 A2 22 LDX #$22 set terminator to "
B489 86 07 STX $07 set search character, terminator 1
B48B 86 08 STX $08 set terminator 2
This entry point is used by the routine at AC0F.
print search or alternate terminated string to utility pointer source is AY
B48D 85 6F STA $6F store string start low byte
B48F 84 70 STY $70 store string start high byte
B491 85 62 STA $62 save string pointer low byte
B493 84 63 STY $63 save string pointer high byte
B495 A0 FF LDY #$FF set length to -1
B497 C8 INY increment length
B498 B1 6F LDA ($6F),Y get byte from string
B49A F0 0C BEQ $B4A8 exit loop if null byte [EOS]
B49C C5 07 CMP $07 compare with search character, terminator 1
B49E F0 04 BEQ $B4A4 branch if terminator
B4A0 C5 08 CMP $08 compare with terminator 2
B4A2 D0 F3 BNE $B497 loop if not terminator 2
B4A4 C9 22 CMP #$22 compare with "
B4A6 F0 01 BEQ $B4A9 branch if " (carry set if = !)
B4A8 18 CLC clear carry for add (only if [EOL] terminated string)
B4A9 84 61 STY $61 save length in FAC1 exponent
B4AB 98 TYA copy length to A
B4AC 65 6F ADC $6F add string start low byte
B4AE 85 71 STA $71 save string end low byte
B4B0 A6 70 LDX $70 get string start high byte
B4B2 90 01 BCC $B4B5 branch if no low byte overflow
B4B4 E8 INX else increment high byte
B4B5 86 72 STX $72 save string end high byte
B4B7 A5 70 LDA $70 get string start high byte
B4B9 F0 04 BEQ $B4BF branch if in utility area
B4BB C9 02 CMP #$02 compare with input buffer memory high byte
B4BD D0 0B BNE $B4CA branch if not in input buffer memory
string in input buffer or utility area, move to string memory
B4BF 98 TYA copy length to A
B4C0 20 75 B4 JSR $B475 copy descriptor pointer and make string space A bytes long
B4C3 A6 6F LDX $6F get string start low byte
B4C5 A4 70 LDY $70 get string start high byte
B4C7 20 88 B6 JSR $B688 store string A bytes long from XY to utility pointer
This entry point is used by the routines at B63D, B6EC and B700.
check for space on descriptor stack then ... put string address and length on descriptor stack and update stack pointers
B4CA A6 16 LDX $16 get the descriptor stack pointer
B4CC E0 22 CPX #$22 compare it with the maximum + 1
B4CE D0 05 BNE $B4D5 if there is space on the string stack continue
else do string too complex error
B4D0 A2 19 LDX #$19 error $19, string too complex error
This entry point is used by the routine at B4F4.
B4D2 4C 37 A4 JMP $A437 do error #X then warm start
put string address and length on descriptor stack and update stack pointers
B4D5 A5 61 LDA $61 get the string length
B4D7 95 00 STA $00,X put it on the string stack
B4D9 A5 62 LDA $62 get the string pointer low byte
B4DB 95 01 STA $01,X put it on the string stack
B4DD A5 63 LDA $63 get the string pointer high byte
B4DF 95 02 STA $02,X put it on the string stack
B4E1 A0 00 LDY #$00 clear Y
B4E3 86 64 STX $64 save the string descriptor pointer low byte
B4E5 84 65 STY $65 save the string descriptor pointer high byte, always $00
B4E7 84 70 STY $70 clear FAC1 rounding byte
B4E9 88 DEY Y = $FF
B4EA 84 0D STY $0D save the data type flag, $FF = string
B4EC 86 17 STX $17 save the current descriptor stack item pointer low byte
B4EE E8 INX update the stack pointer
B4EF E8 INX update the stack pointer
B4F0 E8 INX update the stack pointer
B4F1 86 16 STX $16 save the new descriptor stack pointer
B4F3 60 RTS
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