Prev: B449 Up: Map Next: B475
B465: perform STR$()
B465 20 8D AD JSR $AD8D check if source is numeric, else do type mismatch
B468 A0 00 LDY #$00 set string index
B46A 20 DF BD JSR $BDDF convert FAC1 to string
B46D 68 PLA dump return address (skip type check)
B46E 68 PLA dump return address (skip type check)
This entry point is used by the routine at AF28.
B46F A9 FF LDA #$FF set result string low pointer
B471 A0 00 LDY #$00 set result string high pointer
B473 F0 12 BEQ $B487 print null terminated string to utility pointer
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