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BDDD: convert FAC1 to ASCII string result in (AY)
Used by the routine at AAA0.
BDDD A0 01 LDY #$01 set index = 1
This entry point is used by the routines at B465 and BDCD.
BDDF A9 20 LDA #" " character = " " (assume +ve)
BDE1 24 66 BIT $66 test FAC1 sign (b7)
BDE3 10 02 BPL $BDE7 branch if +ve
BDE5 A9 2D LDA #"-" else character = "-"
BDE7 99 FF 00 STA $00FF,Y save leading character (" " or "-")
BDEA 85 66 STA $66 save FAC1 sign (b7)
BDEC 84 71 STY $71 save index
BDEE C8 INY increment index
BDEF A9 30 LDA #"0" set character = "0"
BDF1 A6 61 LDX $61 get FAC1 exponent
BDF3 D0 03 BNE $BDF8 branch if FAC1<>0
exponent was $00 so FAC1 is 0
BDF5 4C 04 BF JMP $BF04 save last character, [EOT] and exit
FAC1 is some non zero value
BDF8 A9 00 LDA #$00 clear (number exponent count)
BDFA E0 80 CPX #$80 compare FAC1 exponent with $80 (<1.00000)
BDFC F0 02 BEQ $BE00 branch if 0.5 <= FAC1 < 1.0
BDFE B0 09 BCS $BE09 branch if FAC1=>1
BE00 A9 BD LDA #$BD set 1000000000 pointer low byte
BE02 A0 BD LDY #$BD set 1000000000 pointer high byte
BE04 20 28 BA JSR $BA28 do convert AY, FCA1*(AY)
BE07 A9 F7 LDA #$F7 set number exponent count
BE09 85 5D STA $5D save number exponent count
BE0B A9 B8 LDA #$B8 set 999999999.25 pointer low byte (max before sci note)
BE0D A0 BD LDY #$BD set 999999999.25 pointer high byte
BE0F 20 5B BC JSR $BC5B compare FAC1 with (AY)
BE12 F0 1E BEQ $BE32 exit if FAC1 = (AY)
BE14 10 12 BPL $BE28 go do /10 if FAC1 > (AY)
FAC1 < (AY)
BE16 A9 B3 LDA #$B3 set 99999999.90625 pointer low byte
BE18 A0 BD LDY #$BD set 99999999.90625 pointer high byte
BE1A 20 5B BC JSR $BC5B compare FAC1 with (AY)
BE1D F0 02 BEQ $BE21 branch if FAC1 = (AY) (allow decimal places)
BE1F 10 0E BPL $BE2F branch if FAC1 > (AY) (no decimal places)
FAC1 <= (AY)
BE21 20 E2 BA JSR $BAE2 multiply FAC1 by 10
BE24 C6 5D DEC $5D decrement number exponent count
BE26 D0 EE BNE $BE16 go test again, branch always
BE28 20 FE BA JSR $BAFE divide FAC1 by 10
BE2B E6 5D INC $5D increment number exponent count
BE2D D0 DC BNE $BE0B go test again, branch always
now we have just the digits to do
BE2F 20 49 B8 JSR $B849 add 0.5 to FAC1 (round FAC1)
BE32 20 9B BC JSR $BC9B convert FAC1 floating to fixed
BE35 A2 01 LDX #$01 set default digits before dp = 1
BE37 A5 5D LDA $5D get number exponent count
BE39 18 CLC clear carry for add
BE3A 69 0A ADC #$0A up to 9 digits before point
BE3C 30 09 BMI $BE47 if -ve then 1 digit before dp
BE3E C9 0B CMP #$0B A>=$0B if n>=1E9
BE40 B0 06 BCS $BE48 branch if >= $0B
carry is clear
BE42 69 FF ADC #$FF take 1 from digit count
BE44 AA TAX copy to X
BE45 A9 02 LDA #$02 set exponent adjust
BE47 38 SEC set carry for subtract
BE48 E9 02 SBC #$02 -2
BE4A 85 5E STA $5E save exponent adjust
BE4C 86 5D STX $5D save digits before dp count
BE4E 8A TXA copy to A
BE4F F0 02 BEQ $BE53 branch if no digits before dp
BE51 10 13 BPL $BE66 branch if digits before dp
BE53 A4 71 LDY $71 get output string index
BE55 A9 2E LDA #"." character "."
BE57 C8 INY increment index
BE58 99 FF 00 STA $00FF,Y save to output string
BE5C F0 06 BEQ $BE64
BE5E A9 30 LDA #"0" character "0"
BE60 C8 INY increment index
BE61 99 FF 00 STA $00FF,Y save to output string
BE64 84 71 STY $71 save output string index
BE66 A0 00 LDY #$00 clear index (point to 100,000)
This entry point is used by the routine at AF28.
BE68 A2 80 LDX #$80
BE6A A5 65 LDA $65 get FAC1 mantissa 4
BE6C 18 CLC clear carry for add
BE6D 79 19 BF ADC $BF19,Y add byte 4, least significant
BE70 85 65 STA $65 save FAC1 mantissa4
BE72 A5 64 LDA $64 get FAC1 mantissa 3
BE74 79 18 BF ADC $BF18,Y add byte 3
BE77 85 64 STA $64 save FAC1 mantissa3
BE79 A5 63 LDA $63 get FAC1 mantissa 2
BE7B 79 17 BF ADC $BF17,Y add byte 2
BE7E 85 63 STA $63 save FAC1 mantissa2
BE80 A5 62 LDA $62 get FAC1 mantissa 1
BE82 79 16 BF ADC $BF16,Y add byte 1, most significant
BE85 85 62 STA $62 save FAC1 mantissa1
BE87 E8 INX increment the digit, set the sign on the test sense bit
BE88 B0 04 BCS $BE8E if the carry is set go test if the result was positive
else the result needs to be negative
BE8A 10 DE BPL $BE6A not -ve so try again
BE8C 30 02 BMI $BE90 else done so return the digit
BE8E 30 DA BMI $BE6A not +ve so try again
else done so return the digit
BE90 8A TXA copy the digit
BE91 90 04 BCC $BE97 if Cb=0 just use it
BE93 49 FF EOR #$FF else make the 2's complement ..
BE95 69 0A ADC #$0A .. and subtract it from 10
BE97 69 2F ADC #$2F add "0"-1 to result
BE99 C8 INY increment ..
BE9A C8 INY .. index to ..
BE9B C8 INY .. next less ..
BE9C C8 INY .. power of ten
BE9D 84 47 STY $47 save current variable pointer low byte
BE9F A4 71 LDY $71 get output string index
BEA1 C8 INY increment output string index
BEA2 AA TAX copy character to X
BEA3 29 7F AND #%01111111 mask out top bit
BEA5 99 FF 00 STA $00FF,Y save to output string
BEA8 C6 5D DEC $5D decrement # of characters before the dp
BEAA D0 06 BNE $BEB2 branch if still characters to do
else output the point
BEAC A9 2E LDA #"." character "."
BEAE C8 INY increment output string index
BEAF 99 FF 00 STA $00FF,Y save to output string
BEB2 84 71 STY $71 save output string index
BEB4 A4 47 LDY $47 get current variable pointer low byte
BEB6 8A TXA get character back
BEB7 49 FF EOR #$FF toggle the test sense bit
BEB9 29 80 AND #$80 clear the digit
BEBB AA TAX copy it to the new digit
BEBC C0 24 CPY #$24 compare the table index with the max for decimal numbers
BEBE F0 04 BEQ $BEC4 if at the max exit the digit loop
BEC0 C0 3C CPY #$3C compare the table index with the max for time
BEC2 D0 A6 BNE $BE6A loop if not at the max
now remove trailing zeroes
BEC4 A4 71 LDY $71 restore the output string index
BEC6 B9 FF 00 LDA $00FF,Y get character from output string
BEC9 88 DEY decrement output string index
BECA C9 30 CMP #"0" compare with "0"
BECC F0 F8 BEQ $BEC6 loop until non "0" character found
BECE C9 2E CMP #"." compare with "."
BED0 F0 01 BEQ $BED3 branch if was dp
restore last character
BED2 C8 INY increment output string index
BED3 A9 2B LDA #"+" character "+"
BED5 A6 5E LDX $5E get exponent count
BED7 F0 2E BEQ $BF07 if zero go set null terminator and exit
exponent isn't zero so write exponent
BED9 10 08 BPL $BEE3 branch if exponent count +ve
BEDB A9 00 LDA #$00 clear A
BEDD 38 SEC set carry for subtract
BEDE E5 5E SBC $5E subtract exponent count adjust (convert -ve to +ve)
BEE0 AA TAX copy exponent count to X
BEE1 A9 2D LDA #"-" character "-"
BEE3 99 01 01 STA $0101,Y save to output string
BEE6 A9 45 LDA #"E" character "E"
BEE8 99 00 01 STA $0100,Y save exponent sign to output string
BEEB 8A TXA get exponent count back
BEEC A2 2F LDX #$2F one less than "0" character
BEEE 38 SEC set carry for subtract
BEEF E8 INX increment 10's character
BEF0 E9 0A SBC #$0A subtract 10 from exponent count
BEF2 B0 FB BCS $BEEF loop while still >= 0
BEF4 69 3A ADC #":" add character ":" ($30+$0A, result is 10 less that value)
BEF6 99 03 01 STA $0103,Y save to output string
BEF9 8A TXA copy 10's character
BEFA 99 02 01 STA $0102,Y save to output string
BEFD A9 00 LDA #$00 set null terminator
BEFF 99 04 01 STA $0104,Y save to output string
BF02 F0 08 BEQ $BF0C go set string pointer (AY) and exit, branch always
save last character, [EOT] and exit
BF04 99 FF 00 STA $00FF,Y save last character to output string
set null terminator and exit
BF07 A9 00 LDA #$00 set null terminator
BF09 99 00 01 STA $0100,Y save after last character
set string pointer (AY) and exit
BF0C A9 00 LDA #$00 set result string pointer low byte
BF0E A0 01 LDY #$01 set result string pointer high byte
BF10 60 RTS
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