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AAA0: perform PRINT
Used by the routine at AA86.
AAA0 F0 35 BEQ $AAD7 if nothing following just print CR/LF
This entry point is used by the routine at AAE8.
AAA2 F0 43 BEQ $AAE7 exit if nothing following, end of PRINT branch
AAA4 C9 A3 CMP #$A3 compare with token for TAB(
AAA6 F0 50 BEQ $AAF8 if TAB( go handle it
AAA8 C9 A6 CMP #$A6 compare with token for SPC(
AAAA 18 CLC flag SPC(
AAAB F0 4B BEQ $AAF8 if SPC( go handle it
AAAD C9 2C CMP #"," compare with ","
AAAF F0 37 BEQ $AAE8 if "," go skip to the next TAB position
AAB1 C9 3B CMP #";" compare with ";"
AAB3 F0 5E BEQ $AB13 if ";" go continue the print loop
AAB5 20 9E AD JSR $AD9E evaluate expression
AAB8 24 0D BIT $0D test data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
AABA 30 DE BMI $AA9A if string go print string, scan memory and continue PRINT
AABC 20 DD BD JSR $BDDD convert FAC1 to ASCII string result in (AY)
AABF 20 87 B4 JSR $B487 print " terminated string to utility pointer
AAC2 20 21 AB JSR $AB21 print string from utility pointer
AAC8 D0 D3 BNE $AA9D go scan memory and continue PRINT, branch always
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