Prev: AA80 Up: Map Next: AA9A
AA86: perform CMD
Used by the routine at AA80.
AA86 20 9E B7 JSR $B79E get byte parameter
AA89 F0 05 BEQ $AA90 branch if following byte is ":" or [EOT]
AA8B A9 2C LDA #"," set ","
AA8D 20 FF AE JSR $AEFF scan for CHR$(A), else do syntax error then warm start
AA90 08 PHP save status
AA91 86 13 STX $13 set current I/O channel
AA93 20 18 E1 JSR $E118 open channel for output with error check
AA96 28 PLP restore status
AA97 4C A0 AA JMP $AAA0 perform PRINT
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