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B4F4: make space in string memory for string A long
Used by the routine at B47D.
return X = pointer low byte, Y = pointer high byte
B4F4 46 0F LSR $0F clear garbage collected flag (b7)
make space for string A long
B4F6 48 PHA save string length
B4F7 49 FF EOR #$FF complement it
B4F9 38 SEC set carry for subtract, two's complement add
B4FA 65 33 ADC $33 add bottom of string space low byte, subtract length
B4FC A4 34 LDY $34 get bottom of string space high byte
B4FE B0 01 BCS $B501 skip decrement if no underflow
B500 88 DEY decrement bottom of string space high byte
B501 C4 32 CPY $32 compare with end of arrays high byte
B503 90 11 BCC $B516 do out of memory error if less
B505 D0 04 BNE $B50B if not = skip next test
B507 C5 31 CMP $31 compare with end of arrays low byte
B509 90 0B BCC $B516 do out of memory error if less
B50B 85 33 STA $33 save bottom of string space low byte
B50D 84 34 STY $34 save bottom of string space high byte
B50F 85 35 STA $35 save string utility ptr low byte
B511 84 36 STY $36 save string utility ptr high byte
B513 AA TAX copy low byte to X
B514 68 PLA get string length back
B515 60 RTS
B516 A2 10 LDX #$10 error code $10, out of memory error
B518 A5 0F LDA $0F get garbage collected flag
B51A 30 B6 BMI $B4D2 if set then do error code X
B51C 20 26 B5 JSR $B526 else go do garbage collection
B51F A9 80 LDA #$80 flag for garbage collected
B521 85 0F STA $0F set garbage collected flag
B523 68 PLA pull length
B524 D0 D0 BNE $B4F6 go try again (loop always, length should never be = $00)
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