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B526: garbage collection routine
Used by the routines at A408, B37D and B4F4.
B526 A6 37 LDX $37 get end of memory low byte
B528 A5 38 LDA $38 get end of memory high byte
re-run routine from last ending
B52A 86 33 STX $33 set bottom of string space low byte
B52C 85 34 STA $34 set bottom of string space high byte
B52E A0 00 LDY #$00 clear index
B530 84 4F STY $4F clear working pointer high byte
B532 84 4E STY $4E clear working pointer low byte
B534 A5 31 LDA $31 get end of arrays low byte
B536 A6 32 LDX $32 get end of arrays high byte
B538 85 5F STA $5F save as highest uncollected string pointer low byte
B53A 86 60 STX $60 save as highest uncollected string pointer high byte
B53C A9 19 LDA #$19 set descriptor stack pointer
B53E A2 00 LDX #$00 clear X
B540 85 22 STA $22 save descriptor stack pointer low byte
B542 86 23 STX $23 save descriptor stack pointer high byte ($00)
B544 C5 16 CMP $16 compare with descriptor stack pointer
B546 F0 05 BEQ $B54D branch if =
B548 20 C7 B5 JSR $B5C7 check string salvageability
B54B F0 F7 BEQ $B544 loop always
done stacked strings, now do string variables
B54D A9 07 LDA #$07 set step size = $07, collecting variables
B54F 85 53 STA $53 save garbage collection step size
B551 A5 2D LDA $2D get start of variables low byte
B553 A6 2E LDX $2E get start of variables high byte
B555 85 22 STA $22 save as pointer low byte
B557 86 23 STX $23 save as pointer high byte
B559 E4 30 CPX $30 compare end of variables high byte, start of arrays high byte
B55B D0 04 BNE $B561 branch if no high byte match
B55D C5 2F CMP $2F else compare end of variables low byte, start of arrays low byte
B55F F0 05 BEQ $B566 branch if = variable memory end
B561 20 BD B5 JSR $B5BD check variable salvageability
B564 F0 F3 BEQ $B559 loop always
done string variables, now do string arrays
B566 85 58 STA $58 save start of arrays low byte as working pointer
B568 86 59 STX $59 save start of arrays high byte as working pointer
B56A A9 03 LDA #$03 set step size, collecting descriptors
B56C 85 53 STA $53 save step size
B56E A5 58 LDA $58 get pointer low byte
B570 A6 59 LDX $59 get pointer high byte
B572 E4 32 CPX $32 compare with end of arrays high byte
B574 D0 07 BNE $B57D branch if not at end
B576 C5 31 CMP $31 else compare with end of arrays low byte
B578 D0 03 BNE $B57D branch if not at end
B57A 4C 06 B6 JMP $B606 collect string, tidy up and exit if at end ??
B57D 85 22 STA $22 save pointer low byte
B57F 86 23 STX $23 save pointer high byte
B581 A0 00 LDY #$00 set index
B583 B1 22 LDA ($22),Y get array name first byte
B585 AA TAX copy it
B586 C8 INY increment index
B587 B1 22 LDA ($22),Y get array name second byte
B589 08 PHP push the flags
B58A C8 INY increment index
B58B B1 22 LDA ($22),Y get array size low byte
B58D 65 58 ADC $58 add start of this array low byte
B58F 85 58 STA $58 save start of next array low byte
B591 C8 INY increment index
B592 B1 22 LDA ($22),Y get array size high byte
B594 65 59 ADC $59 add start of this array high byte
B596 85 59 STA $59 save start of next array high byte
B598 28 PLP restore the flags
B599 10 D3 BPL $B56E skip if not string array
was possibly string array so ...
B59B 8A TXA get name first byte back
B59C 30 D0 BMI $B56E skip if not string array
B59E C8 INY increment index
B59F B1 22 LDA ($22),Y get # of dimensions
B5A1 A0 00 LDY #$00 clear index
B5A3 0A ASL A *2
B5A4 69 05 ADC #$05 +5 (array header size)
B5A6 65 22 ADC $22 add pointer low byte
B5A8 85 22 STA $22 save pointer low byte
B5AA 90 02 BCC $B5AE branch if no rollover
B5AC E6 23 INC $23 else increment pointer hgih byte
B5AE A6 23 LDX $23 get pointer high byte
B5B0 E4 59 CPX $59 compare pointer high byte with end of this array high byte
B5B2 D0 04 BNE $B5B8 branch if not there yet
B5B4 C5 58 CMP $58 compare pointer low byte with end of this array low byte
B5B6 F0 BA BEQ $B572 if at end of this array go check next array
B5B8 20 C7 B5 JSR $B5C7 check string salvageability
B5BB F0 F3 BEQ $B5B0 loop
check variable salvageability
B5BD B1 22 LDA ($22),Y get variable name first byte
B5BF 30 35 BMI $B5F6 add step and exit if not string
B5C1 C8 INY increment index
B5C2 B1 22 LDA ($22),Y get variable name second byte
B5C4 10 30 BPL $B5F6 add step and exit if not string
B5C6 C8 INY increment index
check string salvageability
B5C7 B1 22 LDA ($22),Y get string length
B5C9 F0 2B BEQ $B5F6 add step and exit if null string
B5CB C8 INY increment index
B5CC B1 22 LDA ($22),Y get string pointer low byte
B5CE AA TAX copy to X
B5CF C8 INY increment index
B5D0 B1 22 LDA ($22),Y get string pointer high byte
B5D2 C5 34 CMP $34 compare string pointer high byte with bottom of string space high byte
B5D4 90 06 BCC $B5DC if bottom of string space greater go test against highest uncollected string
B5D6 D0 1E BNE $B5F6 if bottom of string space less string has been collected so go update pointers, step to next and return
high bytes were equal so test low bytes
B5D8 E4 33 CPX $33 compare string pointer low byte with bottom of string space low byte
B5DA B0 1A BCS $B5F6 if bottom of string space less string has been collected so go update pointers, step to next and return
else test string against highest uncollected string so far
B5DC C5 60 CMP $60 compare string pointer high byte with highest uncollected string high byte
B5DE 90 16 BCC $B5F6 if highest uncollected string is greater then go update pointers, step to next and return
B5E0 D0 04 BNE $B5E6 if highest uncollected string is less then go set this string as highest uncollected so far
high bytes were equal so test low bytes
B5E2 E4 5F CPX $5F compare string pointer low byte with highest uncollected string low byte
B5E4 90 10 BCC $B5F6 if highest uncollected string is greater then go update pointers, step to next and return
else set current string as highest uncollected string
B5E6 86 5F STX $5F save string pointer low byte as highest uncollected string low byte
B5E8 85 60 STA $60 save string pointer high byte as highest uncollected string high byte
B5EA A5 22 LDA $22 get descriptor pointer low byte
B5EC A6 23 LDX $23 get descriptor pointer high byte
B5EE 85 4E STA $4E save working pointer high byte
B5F0 86 4F STX $4F save working pointer low byte
B5F2 A5 53 LDA $53 get step size
B5F4 85 55 STA $55 copy step size
B5F6 A5 53 LDA $53 get step size
B5F8 18 CLC clear carry for add
B5F9 65 22 ADC $22 add pointer low byte
B5FB 85 22 STA $22 save pointer low byte
B5FD 90 02 BCC $B601 branch if no rollover
B5FF E6 23 INC $23 else increment pointer high byte
B601 A6 23 LDX $23 get pointer high byte
B603 A0 00 LDY #$00 flag not moved
B605 60 RTS
collect string
B606 A5 4F LDA $4F get working pointer low byte
B608 05 4E ORA $4E OR working pointer high byte
B60A F0 F5 BEQ $B601 exit if nothing to collect
B60C A5 55 LDA $55 get copied step size
B60E 29 04 AND #$04 mask step size, $04 for variables, $00 for array or stack
B610 4A LSR A >> 1
B611 A8 TAY copy to index
B612 85 55 STA $55 save offset to descriptor start
B614 B1 4E LDA ($4E),Y get string length low byte
B616 65 5F ADC $5F add string start low byte
B618 85 5A STA $5A set block end low byte
B61A A5 60 LDA $60 get string start high byte
B61C 69 00 ADC #$00 add carry
B61E 85 5B STA $5B set block end high byte
B620 A5 33 LDA $33 get bottom of string space low byte
B622 A6 34 LDX $34 get bottom of string space high byte
B624 85 58 STA $58 save destination end low byte
B626 86 59 STX $59 save destination end high byte
B628 20 BF A3 JSR $A3BF open up space in memory, don't set array end. this copies the string from where it is to the end of the uncollected string memory
B62B A4 55 LDY $55 restore offset to descriptor start
B62D C8 INY increment index to string pointer low byte
B62E A5 58 LDA $58 get new string pointer low byte
B630 91 4E STA ($4E),Y save new string pointer low byte
B632 AA TAX copy string pointer low byte
B633 E6 59 INC $59 increment new string pointer high byte
B635 A5 59 LDA $59 get new string pointer high byte
B637 C8 INY increment index to string pointer high byte
B638 91 4E STA ($4E),Y save new string pointer high byte
B63A 4C 2A B5 JMP $B52A re-run routine from last ending, XA holds new bottom of string memory pointer
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