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B700: perform LEFT$()
B700 20 61 B7 JSR $B761 pull string data and byte parameter from stack. return pointer in descriptor, byte in A (and X), Y=0
B703 D1 50 CMP ($50),Y compare byte parameter with string length
B705 98 TYA clear A
This entry point is used by the routine at B72C.
B706 90 04 BCC $B70C branch if string length > byte parameter
B708 B1 50 LDA ($50),Y else make parameter = length
B70A AA TAX copy to byte parameter copy
B70B 98 TYA clear string start offset
B70C 48 PHA save string start offset
This entry point is used by the routine at B737.
B70D 8A TXA copy byte parameter (or string length if <)
This entry point is used by the routine at B737.
B70E 48 PHA save string length
B70F 20 7D B4 JSR $B47D make string space A bytes long
B712 A5 50 LDA $50 get descriptor pointer low byte
B714 A4 51 LDY $51 get descriptor pointer high byte
B716 20 AA B6 JSR $B6AA pop (YA) descriptor off stack or from top of string space. returns with A = length, X = pointer low byte, Y = pointer high byte
B719 68 PLA get string length back
B71A A8 TAY copy length to Y
B71B 68 PLA get string start offset back
B71C 18 CLC clear carry for add
B71D 65 22 ADC $22 add start offset to string start pointer low byte
B71F 85 22 STA $22 save string start pointer low byte
B721 90 02 BCC $B725 branch if no overflow
B723 E6 23 INC $23 else increment string start pointer high byte
B725 98 TYA copy length to A
B726 20 8C B6 JSR $B68C store string from pointer to utility pointer
B729 4C CA B4 JMP $B4CA check space on descriptor stack then put string address and length on descriptor stack and update stack pointers
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