Prev: A7AE Up: Map Next: A82C
A81D: perform RESTORE
Used by the routine at A677.
A81D 38 SEC set carry for subtract
A81E A5 2B LDA $2B get start of memory low byte
A820 E9 01 SBC #$01 -1
A822 A4 2C LDY $2C get start of memory high byte
A824 B0 01 BCS $A827 branch if no rollunder
A826 88 DEY else decrement high byte
This entry point is used by the routine at AC0F.
A827 85 41 STA $41 set DATA pointer low byte
A829 84 42 STY $42 set DATA pointer high byte
This entry point is used by the routine at A7AE.
A82B 60 RTS
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