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B194: set-up array pointer to first element in array
Used by the routine at B1D1.
B194 A5 0B LDA $0B get # of dimensions (1, 2 or 3)
B196 0A ASL A *2 (also clears the carry !)
B197 69 05 ADC #$05 +5 (result is 7, 9 or 11 here)
B199 65 5F ADC $5F add array start pointer low byte
B19B A4 60 LDY $60 get array pointer high byte
B19D 90 01 BCC $B1A0 branch if no overflow
B19F C8 INY else increment high byte
B1A0 85 58 STA $58 save array data pointer low byte
B1A2 84 59 STY $59 save array data pointer high byte
B1A4 60 RTS
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