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B6DB: clean descriptor stack
Used by the routines at AA2C and B6A3.
YA = pointer. checks if AY is on the descriptor stack, if so does a stack discard
B6DB C4 18 CPY $18 compare high byte with current descriptor stack item pointer high byte
B6DD D0 0C BNE $B6EB exit if <>
B6DF C5 17 CMP $17 compare low byte with current descriptor stack item pointer low byte
B6E1 D0 08 BNE $B6EB exit if <>
B6E3 85 16 STA $16 set descriptor stack pointer
B6E5 E9 03 SBC #$03 update last string pointer low byte
B6E7 85 17 STA $17 save current descriptor stack item pointer low byte
B6E9 A0 00 LDY #$00 clear high byte
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