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BAD4: handle overflow and underflow
Used by the routine at E000.
BAD4 A5 66 LDA $66 get FAC1 sign (b7)
BAD6 49 FF EOR #$FF complement it
BAD8 30 05 BMI $BADF do overflow error
This entry point is used by the routine at BAB7.
handle underflow
BADA 68 PLA pop return address low byte
BADB 68 PLA pop return address high byte
BADC 4C F7 B8 JMP $B8F7 clear FAC1 exponent and sign and return
This entry point is used by the routines at BAB7, BAE2 and BB0F.
BADF 4C 7E B9 JMP $B97E do overflow error then warm start
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