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E632: input from screen or keyboard
Used by the routine at F157.
E632 98 TYA copy Y
E633 48 PHA save Y
E634 8A TXA copy X
E635 48 PHA save X
E636 A5 D0 LDA $D0 input from keyboard or screen, $xx = screen, $00 = keyboard
E638 F0 93 BEQ $E5CD if keyboard go wait for key
This entry point is used by the routine at E5CD.
E63A A4 D3 LDY $D3 get the cursor column
E63C B1 D1 LDA ($D1),Y get character from the current screen line
E63E 85 D7 STA $D7 save temporary last character
E640 29 3F AND #%00111111 mask key bits
E642 06 D7 ASL $D7 << temporary last character
E644 24 D7 BIT $D7 test it
E646 10 02 BPL $E64A branch if not [NO KEY]
E648 09 80 ORA #$80
E64A 90 04 BCC $E650
E64C A6 D4 LDX $D4 get the cursor quote flag, $xx = quote, $00 = no quote
E64E D0 04 BNE $E654 if in quote mode go ??
E650 70 02 BVS $E654
E652 09 40 ORA #$40
E654 E6 D3 INC $D3 increment the cursor column
E656 20 84 E6 JSR $E684 if open quote toggle the cursor quote flag
E659 C4 C8 CPY $C8 compare ?? with input [EOL] pointer
E65B D0 17 BNE $E674 if not at line end go ??
This entry point is used by the routine at E5CD.
E65D A9 00 LDA #$00 clear A
E65F 85 D0 STA $D0 clear input from keyboard or screen, $xx = screen, $00 = keyboard
E661 A9 0D LDA #$0D set character [CR]
E663 A6 99 LDX $99 get the input device number
E665 E0 03 CPX #$03 compare the input device with the screen
E667 F0 06 BEQ $E66F if screen go ??
E669 A6 9A LDX $9A get the output device number
E66B E0 03 CPX #$03 compare the output device with the screen
E66D F0 03 BEQ $E672 if screen go ??
E66F 20 16 E7 JSR $E716 output the character
E672 A9 0D LDA #$0D set character [CR]
E674 85 D7 STA $D7 save character
E676 68 PLA pull X
E677 AA TAX restore X
E678 68 PLA pull Y
E679 A8 TAY restore Y
E67A A5 D7 LDA $D7 restore character
E67E D0 02 BNE $E682
E680 A9 FF LDA #$FF
E682 18 CLC flag ok
E683 60 RTS
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