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EA87: scan the keyboard
Used by the routines at EA31 and FF9F.
scan keyboard performs the following ..
  • 1) check if key pressed, if not then exit the routine
  • 2) init I/O ports of VIA ?? for keyboard scan and set pointers to decode table 1. clear the character counter
  • 3) set one line of port B low and test for a closed key on port A by shifting the byte read from the port. if the carry is clear then a key is closed so save the count which is incremented on each shift. check for shift/stop/cbm keys and flag if closed
  • 4) repeat step 3 for the whole matrix
  • 5) evaluate the SHIFT/CTRL/C= keys, this may change the decode table selected
  • 6) use the key count saved in step 3 as an index into the table selected in step 5
  • 7) check for key repeat operation
  • 8) save the decoded key to the buffer if first press or repeat
EA87 A9 00 LDA #$00 clear A
EA89 8D 8D 02 STA $028D clear the keyboard shift/control/c= flag
EA8C A0 40 LDY #$40 set no key
EA8E 84 CB STY $CB save which key
EA90 8D 00 DC STA $DC00 clear VIA 1 DRA, keyboard column drive
EA93 AE 01 DC LDX $DC01 read VIA 1 DRB, keyboard row port
EA96 E0 FF CPX #$FF compare with all bits set
EA98 F0 61 BEQ $EAFB if no key pressed clear current key and exit (does further BEQ to EB26)
EA9A A8 TAY clear the key count
EA9B A9 81 LDA #$81 get the decode table low byte
EA9D 85 F5 STA $F5 save the keyboard pointer low byte
EA9F A9 EB LDA #$EB get the decode table high byte
EAA1 85 F6 STA $F6 save the keyboard pointer high byte
EAA3 A9 FE LDA #$FE set column 0 low
EAA5 8D 00 DC STA $DC00 save VIA 1 DRA, keyboard column drive
EAA8 A2 08 LDX #$08 set the row count
EAAA 48 PHA save the column
EAAB AD 01 DC LDA $DC01 read VIA 1 DRB, keyboard row port
EAAE CD 01 DC CMP $DC01 compare it with itself
EAB1 D0 F8 BNE $EAAB loop if changing
EAB3 4A LSR A shift row to Cb
EAB4 B0 16 BCS $EACC if no key closed on this row go do next row
EAB6 48 PHA save row
EAB7 B1 F5 LDA ($F5),Y get character from decode table
EAB9 C9 05 CMP #$05 compare with $05, there is no $05 key but the control keys are all less than $05
EABB B0 0C BCS $EAC9 if not shift/control/c=/stop go save key count
else was shift/control/c=/stop key
EABD C9 03 CMP #$03 compare with $03, stop
EABF F0 08 BEQ $EAC9 if stop go save key count and continue
character is $01 - shift, $02 - c= or $04 - control
EAC1 0D 8D 02 ORA $028D OR it with the keyboard shift/control/c= flag
EAC4 8D 8D 02 STA $028D save the keyboard shift/control/c= flag
EAC7 10 02 BPL $EACB skip save key, branch always
EAC9 84 CB STY $CB save key count
EACB 68 PLA restore row
EACC C8 INY increment key count
EACD C0 41 CPY #$41 compare with max+1
EACF B0 0B BCS $EADC exit loop if >= max+1
else still in matrix
EAD1 CA DEX decrement row count
EAD2 D0 DF BNE $EAB3 loop if more rows to do
EAD4 38 SEC set carry for keyboard column shift
EAD5 68 PLA restore the column
EAD6 2A ROL A shift the keyboard column
EAD7 8D 00 DC STA $DC00 save VIA 1 DRA, keyboard column drive
EADA D0 CC BNE $EAA8 loop for next column, branch always
EADC 68 PLA dump the saved column
EADD 6C 8F 02 JMP ($028F) evaluate the SHIFT/CTRL/C= keys, EB48
This entry point is used by the routine at EB48.
key decoding continues here after the SHIFT/CTRL/C= keys are evaluated
EAE0 A4 CB LDY $CB get saved key count
EAE2 B1 F5 LDA ($F5),Y get character from decode table
EAE4 AA TAX copy character to X
EAE5 C4 C5 CPY $C5 compare key count with last key count
EAE7 F0 07 BEQ $EAF0 if this key = current key, key held, go test repeat
EAE9 A0 10 LDY #$10 set the repeat delay count
EAEB 8C 8C 02 STY $028C save the repeat delay count
EAEE D0 36 BNE $EB26 go save key to buffer and exit, branch always
EAF0 29 7F AND #%01111111 clear b7
EAF2 2C 8A 02 BIT $028A test key repeat
EAF5 30 16 BMI $EB0D if repeat all go ??
EAF7 70 49 BVS $EB42 if repeat none go ??
EAF9 C9 7F CMP #$7F compare with end marker
EAFB F0 29 BEQ $EB26 if $00/end marker go save key to buffer and exit
EAFD C9 14 CMP #$14 compare with [INSERT]/[DELETE]
EAFF F0 0C BEQ $EB0D if [INSERT]/[DELETE] go test for repeat
EB01 C9 20 CMP #" " compare with [SPACE]
EB03 F0 08 BEQ $EB0D if [SPACE] go test for repeat
EB05 C9 1D CMP #$1D compare with [CURSOR RIGHT]
EB07 F0 04 BEQ $EB0D if [CURSOR RIGHT] go test for repeat
EB09 C9 11 CMP #$11 compare with [CURSOR DOWN]
EB0B D0 35 BNE $EB42 if not [CURSOR DOWN] just exit
was one of the cursor movement keys, insert/delete key or the space bar so always do repeat tests
EB0D AC 8C 02 LDY $028C get the repeat delay counter
EB10 F0 05 BEQ $EB17 if delay expired go ??
EB12 CE 8C 02 DEC $028C else decrement repeat delay counter
EB15 D0 2B BNE $EB42 if delay not expired go ??
repeat delay counter has expired
EB17 CE 8B 02 DEC $028B decrement the repeat speed counter
EB1A D0 26 BNE $EB42 branch if repeat speed count not expired
EB1C A0 04 LDY #$04 set for 4/60ths of a second
EB1E 8C 8B 02 STY $028B save the repeat speed counter
EB21 A4 C6 LDY $C6 get the keyboard buffer index
EB23 88 DEY decrement it
EB24 10 1C BPL $EB42 if the buffer isn't empty just exit else repeat the key immediately
possibly save the key to the keyboard buffer. if there was no key pressed or the key was not found during the scan (possibly due to key bounce) then X will be $FF here
EB26 A4 CB LDY $CB get the key count
EB28 84 C5 STY $C5 save it as the current key count
EB2A AC 8D 02 LDY $028D get the keyboard shift/control/c= flag
EB2D 8C 8E 02 STY $028E save it as last keyboard shift pattern
EB30 E0 FF CPX #$FF compare the character with the table end marker or no key
EB32 F0 0E BEQ $EB42 if it was the table end marker or no key just exit
EB34 8A TXA copy the character to A
EB35 A6 C6 LDX $C6 get the keyboard buffer index
EB37 EC 89 02 CPX $0289 compare it with the keyboard buffer size
EB3A B0 06 BCS $EB42 if the buffer is full just exit
EB3C 9D 77 02 STA $0277,X save the character to the keyboard buffer
EB3F E8 INX increment the index
EB40 86 C6 STX $C6 save the keyboard buffer index
This entry point is used by the routine at EB48.
EB42 A9 7F LDA #$7F enable column 7 for the stop key
EB44 8D 00 DC STA $DC00 save VIA 1 DRA, keyboard column drive
EB47 60 RTS
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