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EE13: input a byte from the serial bus
Used by the routines at F1AD, F4A5 and FFA5.
EE13 78 SEI disable the interrupts
EE14 A9 00 LDA #$00 set 0 bits to do, will flag EOI on timeour
EE16 85 A5 STA $A5 save the serial bus bit count
EE18 20 85 EE JSR $EE85 set the serial clock out high
EE1B 20 A9 EE JSR $EEA9 get the serial data status in Cb
EE1E 10 FB BPL $EE1B loop if the serial clock is low
EE20 A9 01 LDA #$01 set the timeout count high byte
EE22 8D 07 DC STA $DC07 save VIA 1 timer B high byte
EE25 A9 19 LDA #$19 load timer B, timer B single shot, start timer B
EE27 8D 0F DC STA $DC0F save VIA 1 CRB
EE2A 20 97 EE JSR $EE97 set the serial data out high
EE30 AD 0D DC LDA $DC0D read VIA 1 ICR
EE33 29 02 AND #%00000010 mask 0000 00x0, timer A interrupt
EE35 D0 07 BNE $EE3E if timer A interrupt go ??
EE37 20 A9 EE JSR $EEA9 get the serial data status in Cb
EE3A 30 F4 BMI $EE30 loop if the serial clock is low
EE3C 10 18 BPL $EE56 else go set 8 bits to do, branch always
timer A timed out
EE3E A5 A5 LDA $A5 get the serial bus bit count
EE40 F0 05 BEQ $EE47 if not already EOI then go flag EOI
EE42 A9 02 LDA #$02 else error $02, read timeour
EE44 4C B2 ED JMP $EDB2 set the serial status and exit
EE47 20 A0 EE JSR $EEA0 set the serial data out low
EE4A 20 85 EE JSR $EE85 set the serial clock out high
EE4D A9 40 LDA #$40 set EOI
EE4F 20 1C FE JSR $FE1C OR into the serial status byte
EE52 E6 A5 INC $A5 increment the serial bus bit count, do error on the next timeout
EE54 D0 CA BNE $EE20 go try again, branch always
EE56 A9 08 LDA #$08 set 8 bits to do
EE58 85 A5 STA $A5 save the serial bus bit count
EE5A AD 00 DD LDA $DD00 read VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
EE5D CD 00 DD CMP $DD00 compare it with itself
EE60 D0 F8 BNE $EE5A if changing go try again
EE62 0A ASL A shift the serial data into the carry
EE63 10 F5 BPL $EE5A loop while the serial clock is low
EE65 66 A4 ROR $A4 shift the data bit into the receive byte
EE67 AD 00 DD LDA $DD00 read VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
EE6A CD 00 DD CMP $DD00 compare it with itself
EE6D D0 F8 BNE $EE67 if changing go try again
EE6F 0A ASL A shift the serial data into the carry
EE70 30 F5 BMI $EE67 loop while the serial clock is high
EE72 C6 A5 DEC $A5 decrement the serial bus bit count
EE74 D0 E4 BNE $EE5A loop if not all done
EE76 20 A0 EE JSR $EEA0 set the serial data out low
EE79 24 90 BIT $90 test the serial status byte
EE7B 50 03 BVC $EE80 if EOI not set skip the bus end sequence
EE7D 20 06 EE JSR $EE06 1ms delay, clock high then data high
EE80 A5 A4 LDA $A4 get the receive byte
EE82 58 CLI enable the interrupts
EE83 18 CLC flag ok
EE84 60 RTS
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