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EF06: setup next RS232 Tx byte
Used by the routines at EEBB and F028.
EF06 AD 94 02 LDA $0294 read the 6551 pseudo command register
EF09 4A LSR A handshake bit inot Cb
EF0A 90 07 BCC $EF13 if 3 line interface go ??
EF0C 2C 01 DD BIT $DD01 test VIA 2 DRB, RS232 port
EF0F 10 1D BPL $EF2E if DSR = 0 set DSR signal not present and exit
EF11 50 1E BVC $EF31 if CTS = 0 set CTS signal not present and exit
was 3 line interface
EF13 A9 00 LDA #$00 clear A
EF15 85 BD STA $BD clear the RS232 parity byte
EF17 85 B5 STA $B5 clear the RS232 next bit to send
EF19 AE 98 02 LDX $0298 get the number of bits to be sent/received
EF1C 86 B4 STX $B4 set the RS232 bit count
EF1E AC 9D 02 LDY $029D get the index to the Tx buffer start
EF21 CC 9E 02 CPY $029E compare it with the index to the Tx buffer end
EF24 F0 13 BEQ $EF39 if all done go disable T?? interrupt and return
EF26 B1 F9 LDA ($F9),Y else get a byte from the buffer
EF28 85 B6 STA $B6 save it to the RS232 output byte buffer
EF2A EE 9D 02 INC $029D increment the index to the Tx buffer start
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