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F014: send byte to the RS232 buffer
F014 20 28 F0 JSR $F028 setup for RS232 transmit
This entry point is used by the routine at F1DD.
send byte to the RS232 buffer, no setup
F017 AC 9E 02 LDY $029E get index to Tx buffer end
F01A C8 INY + 1
F01B CC 9D 02 CPY $029D compare with index to Tx buffer start
F01E F0 F4 BEQ $F014 loop while buffer full
F020 8C 9E 02 STY $029E set index to Tx buffer end
F023 88 DEY index to available buffer byte
F024 A5 9E LDA $9E read the RS232 character buffer
F026 91 F9 STA ($F9),Y save the byte to the buffer
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