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F5C1: print file name
Used by the routine at F68F.
F5C1 A4 B7 LDY $B7 get file name length
F5C3 F0 0C BEQ $F5D1 exit if null file name
F5C5 A0 00 LDY #$00 clear index
F5C7 B1 BB LDA ($BB),Y get file name byte
F5C9 20 D2 FF JSR $FFD2 output character to channel
F5CC C8 INY increment index
F5CD C4 B7 CPY $B7 compare with file name length
F5CF D0 F6 BNE $F5C7 loop if more to do
This entry point is used by the routine at F5AF.
F5D1 60 RTS
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