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F7EA: find specific tape header
Used by the routines at F34A and F533.
F7EA 20 2C F7 JSR $F72C find tape header, exit with header in buffer
F7ED B0 1D BCS $F80C just exit if error
F7EF A0 05 LDY #$05 index to name
F7F1 84 9F STY $9F save as tape buffer index
F7F3 A0 00 LDY #$00 clear Y
F7F5 84 9E STY $9E save as name buffer index
F7F7 C4 B7 CPY $B7 compare with file name length
F7F9 F0 10 BEQ $F80B ok exit if match
F7FB B1 BB LDA ($BB),Y get file name byte
F7FD A4 9F LDY $9F get index to tape buffer
F7FF D1 B2 CMP ($B2),Y compare with tape header name byte
F801 D0 E7 BNE $F7EA if no match go get next header
F803 E6 9E INC $9E else increment name buffer index
F805 E6 9F INC $9F increment tape buffer index
F807 A4 9E LDY $9E get name buffer index
F809 D0 EC BNE $F7F7 loop, branch always
F80B 18 CLC flag ok
F80C 60 RTS
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