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FC6A: write tape leader IRQ routine
FC6A A9 78 LDA #$78 set time constant low byte for bit = leader
FC6C 20 AF FB JSR $FBAF write time constant and toggle tape
FC6F D0 E3 BNE $FC54 if tape bit high restore registers and exit interrupt
FC71 C6 A7 DEC $A7 decrement cycle count
FC73 D0 DF BNE $FC54 if not all done restore registers and exit interrupt
FC75 20 97 FB JSR $FB97 new tape byte setup
FC78 C6 AB DEC $AB decrement cassette leader count
FC7A 10 D8 BPL $FC54 if not all done restore registers and exit interrupt
FC7C A2 0A LDX #$0A set index for tape write vector
FC7E 20 BD FC JSR $FCBD set the tape vector
FC81 58 CLI enable the interrupts
FC82 E6 AB INC $AB clear cassette leader counter, was $FF
FC84 A5 BE LDA $BE get cassette block count
FC86 F0 30 BEQ $FCB8 if all done restore everything for STOP and exit the interrupt
FC88 20 8E FB JSR $FB8E copy I/O start address to buffer address
FC8B A2 09 LDX #$09 set nine synchronisation bytes
FC8D 86 A5 STX $A5 save cassette synchronization byte count
FC8F 86 B6 STX $B6
FC91 D0 83 BNE $FC16 go do the next tape byte, branch always
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