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FC93: restore everything for STOP
Used by the routines at F8D0, FA60 and FCB8.
FC93 08 PHP save status
FC94 78 SEI disable the interrupts
FC95 AD 11 D0 LDA $D011 read the vertical fine scroll and control register
FC98 09 10 ORA #%00010000 mask xxx1 xxxx, unblank the screen
FC9A 8D 11 D0 STA $D011 save the vertical fine scroll and control register
FC9D 20 CA FC JSR $FCCA stop the cassette motor
FCA0 A9 7F LDA #$7F disable all interrupts
FCA2 8D 0D DC STA $DC0D save VIA 1 ICR
FCA8 AD A0 02 LDA $02A0 get saved IRQ vector high byte
FCAB F0 09 BEQ $FCB6 branch if null
FCAD 8D 15 03 STA $0315 restore IRQ vector high byte
FCB0 AD 9F 02 LDA $029F get saved IRQ vector low byte
FCB3 8D 14 03 STA $0314 restore IRQ vector low byte
FCB6 28 PLP restore status
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