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$126D: Get the play area region identifier for a given location
Used by the routines at $12B5, $1A51, $1ADD and $1B2E.
The region identifiers are as follows:
ID Region
0 Top floor, to the left of the Map Room wall
1 Middle floor, to the left of the Exam Room wall
2 Bottom floor
3 Middle floor, to the right of the Exam Room wall
4 Top floor, to the right of the Map Room wall
X Play area x-coordinate (0-95)
Y Play area y-coordinate (0-17)
A Play area region identifier
$126D CPY #$0E Is the y-coordinate less than 14?
$126F BCC $1276 Branch if so.
$1271 LDA #$02 Return with A=2 when Y>=14.
$1273 JMP $1293
$1276 CPY #$07 Is the y-coordinate less than 7?
$1278 BCC $1288 Branch if so.
$127A CPX #$27 Is the x-coordinate less than 39?
$127C BCC $1283 Branch if so.
$127E LDA #$03 Return with A=3 when 7<=Y<14 and X>=39.
$1280 JMP $1293
$1283 LDA #$01 Return with A=1 when 7<=Y<14 and X<39.
$1285 JMP $1293
$1288 CPX #$3A Is the x-coordinate less than 58?
$128A BCC $1291 Branch if so.
$128C LDA #$04 Return with A=4 when Y<7 and X>=58.
$128E JMP $1293
$1291 LDA #$00 Return with A=0 when Y<7 and X<58.
$1293 RTS
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