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$1EC2: Get ERIC's coordinates
This corresponds to $79FD in the ZX Spectrum version.
Used by the routines at $0C3F and $149F.
X ERIC's x-coordinate
Y ERIC's y-coordinate (adjusted if he's jumping)
$1EC2 LDA $2B Pick up ERIC's status flags from $2B.
$1EC4 LDX $8C61 Pick up ERIC's x-coordinate from his character buffer.
$1EC7 LDY $8C62 Pick up ERIC's y-coordinate from his character buffer.
$1ECA AND #$02 Is ERIC jumping (bit 1 set)?
$1ECC BEQ $1EE2 Return if not.
$1ECE CPY #$03 Is ERIC's y-coordinate 3 or more?
$1ED0 BCS $1ED7 Branch if so.
$1ED2 LDY #$03 Return with Y=3 (ERIC is jumping on the top floor).
$1ED4 JMP $1EE2
$1ED7 CPY #$0A Is ERIC's y-coordinate 10 or more?
$1ED9 BCS $1EE0 Branch if so.
$1EDB LDY #$0A Return with Y=10 (ERIC is jumping on the middle floor).
$1EE0 LDY #$11 Return with Y=17 (ERIC is jumping on the bottom floor).
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