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Routines |
Prev: $213B | Up: Map | Next: $217D |
Used by the routine at $2005.
$2156 | LDA $57 | Pick up the character code from $57 and copy it to $4E. | ||||||||
$2158 | STA $4E | |||||||||
$215A | LDA #$47 | Now $4E holds the address of the corresponding font character bitmap width from the table at $4720. | ||||||||
$215C | STA $4F | |||||||||
$215E | LDY #$00 | Pick up the font character bitmap width and store it at $57. | ||||||||
$2160 | LDA ($4E),Y | |||||||||
$2162 | STA $57 | |||||||||
$2164 | INC $A2 | Increment the pixel column counter at $A2. | ||||||||
$2166 | LDA $A2 | Add the width of the font character bitmap to the pixel column counter. | ||||||||
$2168 | CLC | |||||||||
$2169 | ADC $57 | |||||||||
$216B | STA $A2 | |||||||||
Here we enter a loop that pushes the pixel columns of the font character bitmap into the buffer at $4500.
$216D | INC $4F | Next column of the font character bitmap. | ||||||||
$216F | LDA ($4E),Y | Pick up the pixel column value in A. | ||||||||
$2171 | JSR $20F5 | Push it into the buffer at $4500. | ||||||||
$2174 | DEC $57 | Have we done every pixel column yet? | ||||||||
$2176 | BNE $216D | Branch back if not. | ||||||||
$2178 | LDA #$00 | Finish by pushing a blank pixel column into the buffer. | ||||||||
$217A | JMP $20F5 |
Prev: $213B | Up: Map | Next: $217D |