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$2D1F: Set pointers to screen bitmap and colour information
Used by the routine at $2CD9.
$2D1F LDA $DD02 Set bits 0 and 1 at $DD02; this enables bits 0 and 1 in port A to be read and written.
$2D22 ORA #$03
$2D24 STA $DD02
$2D27 LDA $DD00 Reset bits 0 and 1 at $DD00; this selects VIC bank 3 at $C000-$FFFF.
$2D2A AND #$FC
$2D2C ORA #$00
$2D2E STA $DD00
$2D31 LDA $D018 Reset bits 6 and 7 and set bits 3, 4 and 5 at $D018. In bitmap mode, this places colour information at $CC00 and the bitmap at $E000.
$2D34 AND #$0F
$2D36 ORA #$30
$2D38 ORA #$08
$2D3A STA $D018
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