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$2CD9: Initialise interrupts, screen memory and page 0
Called once from the main loop at $0800 after the game has loaded.
$2CD9 CLD Clear the decimal flag to prepare for regular arithmetic.
$2CDA SEI Disable interrupts.
$2CDB JSR $2D18 Page out the KERNAL ROM at $E000-$FFFF.
$2CDE LDA #$39 Set the address of the interrupt routine at $FFFE to $39C7.
$2CE3 LDA #$C7
$2CE8 LDA #$3A Set the address of the non-maskable interrupt routine at $FFFA and the address of the cold reset routine at $FFFC to that of the RTI instruction at $3A8F.
$2CF0 LDA #$8F
$2CF8 CLI Enable interrupts.
$2CF9 JSR $2DAD Clear the screen.
$2CFC JSR $2DCB Initialise colour information.
$2CFF JSR $2E05 Clear page 0.
$2D02 JSR $2D1F Set pointers to screen bitmap and colour information.
$2D05 JSR $302A Initialise voice #3.
$2D08 JSR $2D47 Initialise the game status buffer.
$2D0B JSR $2D3E Set standard bitmap mode.
$2D0E JSR $3047 Initialise the speech bubble sprite graphic data at $C800.
$2D11 JSR $2F20 Draw the Skool Daze logo.
$2D14 JSR $2F56 Draw the score box.
$2D17 RTS
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